TabularX 调整

TabularX 调整








 % Will be my standard column with all contents centered horizontally and vertically.

 % redefines the final X column as vertically centered.

 % Not sure what this does

 % Not sure what this does

 % The insanely complex stuff for creating the paddingtop part. 
   I would love a simpler way of doing this.
        \vrule \@height #1
               \@depth  0cm

 % New command to add an extra custom padding at the top of a row.
 % Basically, it adds an empty row with the height value defined in the command.

 % \paddingtop{height}{content, i.e. ampersands}

 \newcommand{\paddingtop}[2]{\setarstrut{#1} #2 \\ \restorearstrut}

% MACRO for basic number line with whole numbers underneath and fractional tick marks. Must be *inside* a tikz environment
\newcommand{\NL}[2] %{xmax}{denom}
 \draw (0,0)--(#1,0);
 \foreach \x in {0,...,\pgfmathresult}
  \draw (\x/#2,-0.2)--(\x/#2,0.2);
 \foreach \x in {0,...,#1}
  \node[anchor=mid] at (\x,-0.65) {\x};


\begin{tabularx}{23cm}{*4{|C{4.2cm}}|X|} \hline


Decimal(s) \vspace{2.5cm} & Mixed Number(s) \vspace{2.5cm} &  Hundredths Only \vspace{2.5cm} & Tenths \& Hundredths \vspace{2.5cm} & Other Denominators \vspace{2.5cm}\\ \hline

Price \vspace{2.5cm} & As few L, D and P as possible. \vspace{2.5cm} & \multicolumn{3}{c|}{Other Coin Denominations}\\ \hline











\begin{tabular}{|*5{>{\centering\arraybackslash}p{4.2cm}|}} \hline
Decimal(s) & 
Mixed Number(s) &  
Hundredths Only  & 
Tenths \& Hundredths & 
Other Denominators \\[2cm] \hline
Price & 
As few L, D and P as possible.& 
\multicolumn{3}{c|}{Other Coin Denominations}\\[2cm]\hline



