

我正在写一篇 2 栏论文。我的\begin{multicols} ... \end{multicols}环境中各有 2 个算法。我想将它们每个缩放到一半大小,以便可以并排放置。我该怎么做?我无法使用 scalebox 或 resizebox,因为它们会抛出错误LaTeX Error: Not in outer par mode.

现在我拥有的 MWE 如下


\SetStartEndCondition{ }{}{}%
\SetKw{KwTo}{in}\SetKwFor{Foreach}{for each}{\string:}{}%
\newcommand{\forcond}{$i=0$ \KwTo $n$}
\renewcommand{\forcond}{$i$ \KwTo\Range{$n$}}

\Input{some $i$} 
%(reward function assume given)}

\Algo{Algorithm 1}

\Call{Function 1}

\While {something} {
    \Foreach{other things}{
        \eIf {at all anything} {
            do something
             } { %else part
            do something else }

    \Call{Function 2}

    do more stuff\;

    \Foreach{many things}{
        do x, y, z

\Proc{Function 1}

$x = y +z $\;

    do something to each $x$
    do something to $y$


\Proc{Function 2}

        initialize something 

        \Foreach{$z \times z$} {
            \If{$z^2 > 4$} {
                it is greater than 4\;
                add 9}
\caption{Sample Algorithm}

\SetStartEndCondition{ }{}{}%
\SetKw{KwTo}{in}\SetKwFor{Foreach}{for each}{\string:}{}%
\newcommand{\forcond}{$i=0$ \KwTo $n$}
\renewcommand{\forcond}{$i$ \KwTo\Range{$n$}}

\Input{some more inputs} 
%(reward function assume given)}

\Algo{Algorithm 2}

\Call{Function 1}

\While {something} {
    \Foreach{other things}{
        \eIf {at all anything} {
            do something
             } { %else part
            do something else }

    \Call{Function 2}

    do more stuff\;

    \Foreach{many things}{
        do x, y, z

\Proc{Function 1}

$x = y +z $\;

    do something to each $x$
    do something to $y$


\Proc{Function 2}

        initialize something 

        \Foreach{$z \times z$} {
            \If{$z^2 > 4$} {
                it is greater than 4\;
                add 9}
\caption{Sample 2 Algorithm}


我无法使用,\begin{multicols}{4} ... \end{multicols}因为算法中的文本比页面的 1/4 大得多。因此我必须使用 resizebox 或类似的东西。







\begin{figure*}% for getting a float
\begingroup % trick algorithm2e into thinking we're in one column mode
\csname @twocolumnfalse\endcsname
\SetStartEndCondition{ }{}{}%
\SetKw{KwTo}{in}\SetKwFor{Foreach}{for each}{\string:}{}%
\newcommand{\forcond}{$i=0$ \KwTo $n$}
\renewcommand{\forcond}{$i$ \KwTo\Range{$n$}}

\Input{some $i$} 
%(reward function assume given)}

\Algo{Algorithm 1}

\Call{Function 1}

\While {something} {
    \Foreach{other things}{
        \eIf {at all anything} {
            do something
             } { %else part
            do something else }

    \Call{Function 2}

    do more stuff\;

    \Foreach{many things}{
        do x, y, z

\Proc{Function 1}

$x = y +z $\;

    do something to each $x$
    do something to $y$


\Proc{Function 2}

        initialize something 

        \Foreach{$z \times z$} {
            \If{$z^2 > 4$} {
                it is greater than 4\;
                add 9}
\caption{Sample Algorithm}
}% <------------- end of \resizebox
\SetStartEndCondition{ }{}{}%
\SetKw{KwTo}{in}\SetKwFor{Foreach}{for each}{\string:}{}%
\newcommand{\forcond}{$i=0$ \KwTo $n$}
\renewcommand{\forcond}{$i$ \KwTo\Range{$n$}}

\Input{some more inputs} 
%(reward function assume given)}

\Algo{Algorithm 2}

\Call{Function 1}

\While {something} {
    \Foreach{other things}{
        \eIf {at all anything} {
            do something
             } { %else part
            do something else }

    \Call{Function 2}

    do more stuff\;

    \Foreach{many things}{
        do x, y, z

\Proc{Function 1}

$x = y +z $\;

    do something to each $x$
    do something to $y$


\Proc{Function 2}

        initialize something 

        \Foreach{$z \times z$} {
            \If{$z^2 > 4$} {
                it is greater than 4\;
                add 9}
\caption{Sample 2 Algorithm}
}% <------------- end of \resizebox



