我列出了带有描述的事物,但有些描述不太适合这一行,使得列表看起来不太美观。我目前得到的只是一个 itemize 环境,它看起来有点像这样
item in list: item description
another item in list:
description of the item that is too long for
the line and it goes down here
third item in list: a description that fits
item in list: item description
another item in list: description of the item that is too long for
the line and it goes down here
third item in list: a description that fits
item in list: item description
another item in list: description of the item that is too long for
the line and it goes down here
third item in list: a description that fits
\begin{longtable}{ l p{3in} } % choose suitable width for "p" column
item in list: & item description \\
another item in list: & description of the item that is too long for the line and it goes down here\\
third item in list: & a description that fits\\
) 以充分利用文本块宽度。
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{}l<{:}@{\ }X@{}}
item in list & item description \\
another item in list & description of the item that is too long for
the line and it goes down here \\
third item in list & a description that fits
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{}r<{:}@{\ }X@{}}
item in list & item description \\
another item in list & description of the item that is too long for
the line and it goes down here \\
third item in list & a description that fits
\savebox{\descbox}{\bfseries another item in list:}
\item[in list:] item description
\item[another item in list:] description of the item that is too long for
the line and it goes down here
\item[third item in list:] a description that fits
\item [in list:] item description
\item[another item in list:] description of the item that is too long for
the line and it goes down here
\item [third item in list:] a description that fits