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    \chead{\textbf{Course \\ Course}}
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        author = {Boykoff, Maxwell and Boykoff, Jules},
        title = {Balance as bias: global warming and the US prestige press},
        journaltitle = {Global Environmental Change},
        date = {2004},
        OPTtranslator = {translator},
        OPTannotator = {annotator},
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        OPTseries = {series},
        volume = {14},
        OPTnumber = {number},
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        OPTissue = {issue},
        OPTmonth = {month},
        pages = {125-136},
        OPTversion = {version},
        OPTnote = {note},
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        author = {Boykoff, Maxwell and Boykoff, Jules},
        title = {Climate change and journalistic norms: A case-study of US mass-media coverage},
        journaltitle = {Geoforum},
        date = {2007},
        OPTtranslator = {translator},
        OPTannotator = {annotator},
        OPTcommentator = {commentator},
        OPTsubtitle = {subtitle},
        OPTtitleaddon = {titleaddon},
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        OPTlanguage = {language},
        OPToriglanguage = {origlanguage},
        OPTseries = {series},
        volume = {38},
        OPTnumber = {number},
        OPTeid = {eid},
        OPTissue = {issue},
        OPTmonth = {month},
        pages = {1190-1204},
        OPTversion = {version},
        OPTnote = {note},
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        author = {Roser-Renouf, Connie and Maibach, Edward and Leiserowitz, Anthony and Feinberg, Geoff and Rosenthal, Seth and Kreslake, Jennifer},
        title = {Global Warming's Six Americas in October 2014: Perceptions of the Health Consequences of Global Warming and Update on Key Beliefs},
        type = {Research},
        institution = {George Mason University},
        date = {2014},
        OPTsubtitle = {subtitle},
        OPTtitleaddon = {titleaddon},
        OPTlanguage = {language},
        OPTnumber = {number},
        OPTversion = {version},
        OPTnote = {note},
        OPTlocation = {location},
        month = {October},
        OPTisrn = {isrn},
        OPTchapter = {chapter},
        pages = {1-42},
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        OPTpubstate = {pubstate},
        OPTdoi = {doi},
        OPTeprint = {eprint},
        OPTeprintclass = {eprintclass},
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        OPTurl = {url},
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        author = {Howlett, Michael and Ramesh, M. and Perl, Anthony},
        title = {Studying Public Policy: Policy Cycles and Policy Subsystems},
        date = {2009},
        OPTeditor = {editor},
        OPTeditora = {editora},
        OPTeditorb = {editorb},
        OPTeditorc = {editorc},
        OPTtranslator = {translator},
        OPTannotator = {annotator},
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        OPTpublisher = {publisher},
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        OPTisbn = {isbn},
        chapter = {5, Agenda Setting: Policy Determinants, Policy Ideas and Policy Windows},
        pages = {120-142},
        OPTpagetotal = {pagetotal},
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        author = {Bernabo, Christopher},
        title = {Communication Among Scientists, Decision Makers and Society: Developing Policy-Relevant Global Climate Change Research.},
        journaltitle = {Climate Change Research: Evaluation and Policy Implications},
        date = {1995},
        OPTtranslator = {translator},
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        author = {Boykoff, Maxwell and Roberts, Timmons},
        title = {Media Coverage of Climate Change: Current Trends, Strengths, Weaknesses},
        type = {Research},
        institution = {United Nations Development Programme},
        date = {2007},
        OPTsubtitle = {subtitle},
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        OPTlanguage = {language},
        OPTnumber = {number},
        version = {Final},
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        OPTmonth = {month},
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        OPTdoi = {doi},
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        OPTeprintclass = {eprintclass},
        OPTeprinttype = {eprinttype},
        OPTurl = {url},
        OPTurldate = {urldate},

        author = {Leombruni, Lisa},
        title = {How you talk about climate change matters: A communication network perspective on epistemic skepticism and belief strength},
        journaltitle = {Global Environmental Change},
        date = {2015},
        OPTtranslator = {translator},
        OPTannotator = {annotator},
        OPTcommentator = {commentator},
        OPTsubtitle = {subtitle},
        OPTtitleaddon = {titleaddon},
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        OPTeditora = {editora},
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        OPTjournalsubtitle = {journalsubtitle},
        OPTissuetitle = {issuetitle},
        OPTissuesubtitle = {issuesubtitle},
        OPTlanguage = {language},
        OPToriglanguage = {origlanguage},
        OPTseries = {series},
        volume = {35},
        OPTnumber = {number},
        OPTeid = {eid},
        OPTissue = {issue},
        OPTmonth = {month},
        pages = {148-161},
        OPTversion = {version},
        OPTnote = {note},
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        OPTdoi = {doi},
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        author = {Budeseu, Stephen and Por, Han-Hui},
        title = {Improving Communication of Uncertainty in the Reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change},
        journaltitle = {Psychological Science},
        date = {2009},
        OPTtranslator = {translator},
        OPTannotator = {annotator},
        OPTcommentator = {commentator},
        OPTsubtitle = {subtitle},
        OPTtitleaddon = {titleaddon},
        OPTeditor = {editor},
        OPTeditora = {editora},
        OPTeditorb = {editorb},
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        OPTjournalsubtitle = {journalsubtitle},
        OPTissuetitle = {issuetitle},
        OPTissuesubtitle = {issuesubtitle},
        OPTlanguage = {language},
        OPToriglanguage = {origlanguage},
        OPTseries = {series},
        volume = {20},
        number = {3},
        OPTeid = {eid},
        OPTissue = {issue},
        OPTmonth = {month},
        pages = {299-308},
        OPTversion = {version},
        OPTnote = {note},
        OPTissn = {issn},
        OPTaddendum = {addendum},
        OPTpubstate = {pubstate},
        OPTdoi = {doi},
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        author = {Weingart, Peter and Engels, Anita and Pansegrau, Petra},
        title = {Risks of communications: discourses on climate change in science, politics, and the mass media},
        journaltitle = {Public Understanding of Science},
        date = {2000},
        OPTtranslator = {translator},
        OPTannotator = {annotator},
        OPTcommentator = {commentator},
        OPTsubtitle = {subtitle},
        OPTtitleaddon = {titleaddon},
        OPTeditor = {editor},
        OPTeditora = {editora},
        OPTeditorb = {editorb},
        OPTeditorc = {editorc},
        OPTjournalsubtitle = {journalsubtitle},
        OPTissuetitle = {issuetitle},
        OPTissuesubtitle = {issuesubtitle},
        OPTlanguage = {language},
        OPToriglanguage = {origlanguage},
        OPTseries = {series},
        volume = {9},
        OPTnumber = {number},
        OPTeid = {eid},
        OPTissue = {issue},
        OPTmonth = {month},
        pages = {261-283},
        OPTversion = {version},
        OPTnote = {note},
        OPTissn = {issn},
        OPTaddendum = {addendum},
        OPTpubstate = {pubstate},
        OPTdoi = {doi},
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        OPTeprintclass = {eprintclass},
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        OPTurl = {url},
        OPTurldate = {urldate},

        author = {Russill, Chris and Nyssa, Zoe},
        title = {The tipping point trend in climate change communication},
        journaltitle = {Global Environmental Change},
        date = {2009},
        OPTtranslator = {translator},
        OPTannotator = {annotator},
        OPTcommentator = {commentator},
        OPTsubtitle = {subtitle},
        OPTtitleaddon = {titleaddon},
        OPTeditor = {editor},
        OPTeditora = {editora},
        OPTeditorb = {editorb},
        OPTeditorc = {editorc},
        OPTjournalsubtitle = {journalsubtitle},
        OPTissuetitle = {issuetitle},
        OPTissuesubtitle = {issuesubtitle},
        OPTlanguage = {language},
        OPToriglanguage = {origlanguage},
        OPTseries = {series},
        volume = {19},
        OPTnumber = {number},
        OPTeid = {eid},
        OPTissue = {issue},
        OPTmonth = {month},
        pages = {336-344},
        OPTversion = {version},
        OPTnote = {note},
        OPTissn = {issn},
        OPTaddendum = {addendum},
        OPTpubstate = {pubstate},
        OPTdoi = {doi},
        OPTeprint = {eprint},
        OPTeprintclass = {eprintclass},
        OPTeprinttype = {eprinttype},
        OPTurl = {url},
        OPTurldate = {urldate},

        author = {Layzer, Judith},
        title = {Deep Freeze: How Business Has Shaped the Global Warming Debate in Congress},
        booktitle = {Corporate Interests in the American Political System},
        date = {2007},
        OPTbookauthor = {bookauthor},
        editor = {{M. Kraft and S. Kamieniecki}},
        OPTeditora = {editora},
        OPTeditorb = {editorb},
        OPTeditorc = {editorc},
        OPTtranslator = {translator},
        OPTannotator = {annotator},
        OPTcommentator = {commentator},
        OPTintroduction = {introduction},
        OPTforeword = {foreword},
        OPTafterword = {afterword},
        OPTsubtitle = {subtitle},
        OPTtitleaddon = {titleaddon},
        OPTmaintitle = {maintitle},
        OPTmainsubtitle = {mainsubtitle},
        OPTmaintitleaddon = {maintitleaddon},
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        OPTseries = {series},
        OPTnumber = {number},
        OPTnote = {note},
        OPTpublisher = {publisher},
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        OPTisbn = {isbn},
        chapter = {4},
        pages = {93-125},
        OPTaddendum = {addendum},
        OPTpubstate = {pubstate},
        OPTdoi = {doi},
        OPTeprint = {eprint},
        OPTeprintclass = {eprintclass},
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        OPTurl = {url},
        OPTurldate = {urldate},

        author = {Rabe, Barry},
        title = {Can Congress Govern the Climate?},
        journaltitle = {New York University’s John Brademas Center for the Study of Congress},
        date = {2007},
        OPTtranslator = {translator},
        OPTannotator = {annotator},
        OPTcommentator = {commentator},
        OPTsubtitle = {subtitle},
        OPTtitleaddon = {titleaddon},
        OPTeditor = {editor},
        OPTeditora = {editora},
        OPTeditorb = {editorb},
        OPTeditorc = {editorc},
        OPTjournalsubtitle = {journalsubtitle},
        OPTissuetitle = {issuetitle},
        OPTissuesubtitle = {issuesubtitle},
        OPTlanguage = {language},
        OPToriglanguage = {origlanguage},
        OPTseries = {series},
        OPTvolume = {volume},
        number = {1},
        OPTeid = {eid},
        OPTissue = {issue},
        OPTmonth = {month},
        pages = {1-14},
        OPTversion = {version},
        OPTnote = {note},
        OPTissn = {issn},
        OPTaddendum = {addendum},
        OPTpubstate = {pubstate},
        OPTdoi = {doi},
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        OPTurldate = {urldate},

        author = {Boykoff, Maxwell and Rajan, Ravi},
        title = {Signals and noise: Mass-media coverage of climate change in the USA and the UK},
        journaltitle = {EMBO Reports},
        date = {2007},
        OPTtranslator = {translator},
        OPTannotator = {annotator},
        OPTcommentator = {commentator},
        OPTsubtitle = {subtitle},
        OPTtitleaddon = {titleaddon},
        OPTeditor = {editor},
        OPTeditora = {editora},
        OPTeditorb = {editorb},
        OPTeditorc = {editorc},
        OPTjournalsubtitle = {journalsubtitle},
        OPTissuetitle = {issuetitle},
        OPTissuesubtitle = {issuesubtitle},
        OPTlanguage = {language},
        OPToriglanguage = {origlanguage},
        OPTseries = {series},
        volume = {8},
        number = {3},
        OPTeid = {eid},
        OPTissue = {issue},
        OPTmonth = {month},
        pages = {207-211},
        OPTversion = {version},
        OPTnote = {note},
        OPTissn = {issn},
        OPTaddendum = {addendum},
        OPTpubstate = {pubstate},
        OPTdoi = {doi},
        OPTeprint = {eprint},
        OPTeprintclass = {eprintclass},
        OPTeprinttype = {eprinttype},
        OPTurl = {url},
        OPTurldate = {urldate},

        author = {Oreskes, Naomi},
        title = {The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change},
        journaltitle = {Science},
        date = {2004},
        OPTtranslator = {translator},
        OPTannotator = {annotator},
        OPTcommentator = {commentator},
        OPTsubtitle = {subtitle},
        OPTtitleaddon = {titleaddon},
        OPTeditor = {editor},
        OPTeditora = {editora},
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        OPTeditorc = {editorc},
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        OPTissuetitle = {issuetitle},
        OPTissuesubtitle = {issuesubtitle},
        OPTlanguage = {language},
        OPToriglanguage = {origlanguage},
        OPTseries = {series},
        volume = {306},
        OPTnumber = {number},
        OPTeid = {eid},
        OPTissue = {issue},
        OPTmonth = {month},
        pages = {1686},
        OPTversion = {version},
        OPTnote = {note},
        OPTissn = {issn},
        OPTaddendum = {addendum},
        OPTpubstate = {pubstate},
        OPTdoi = {doi},
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        OPTurldate = {urldate},

        author = {Carlton, J. and Jacobson, Susan},
        title = {Using Expert and Non-expert Models of Climate Change to Enhance Communication},
        journaltitle = {Environmental Communication},
        date = {2016},
        OPTtranslator = {translator},
        OPTannotator = {annotator},
        OPTcommentator = {commentator},
        OPTsubtitle = {subtitle},
        OPTtitleaddon = {titleaddon},
        OPTeditor = {editor},
        OPTeditora = {editora},
        OPTeditorb = {editorb},
        OPTeditorc = {editorc},
        OPTjournalsubtitle = {journalsubtitle},
        OPTissuetitle = {issuetitle},
        OPTissuesubtitle = {issuesubtitle},
        OPTlanguage = {language},
        OPToriglanguage = {origlanguage},
        OPTseries = {series},
        volume = {10},
        number = {1},
        OPTeid = {eid},
        OPTissue = {issue},
        OPTmonth = {month},
        pages = {1-24},
        OPTversion = {version},
        OPTnote = {note},
        OPTissn = {issn},
        OPTaddendum = {addendum},
        OPTpubstate = {pubstate},
        OPTdoi = {doi},
        OPTeprint = {eprint},
        OPTeprintclass = {eprintclass},
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        OPTurl = {url},
        OPTurldate = {urldate},

        author = {Casado-Asensio, Juan and Steurer, Reinhard},
        title = {Bookkeeping rather than climate policy making: national mitigation strategies in Western Europe},
        journaltitle = {Climate Policy},
        date = {2014},
        OPTtranslator = {translator},
        OPTannotator = {annotator},
        OPTcommentator = {commentator},
        OPTsubtitle = {subtitle},
        OPTtitleaddon = {titleaddon},
        OPTeditor = {editor},
        OPTeditora = {editora},
        OPTeditorb = {editorb},
        OPTeditorc = {editorc},
        OPTjournalsubtitle = {journalsubtitle},
        OPTissuetitle = {issuetitle},
        OPTissuesubtitle = {issuesubtitle},
        OPTlanguage = {language},
        OPToriglanguage = {origlanguage},
        OPTseries = {series},
        volume = {16},
        number = {1},
        OPTeid = {eid},
        OPTissue = {issue},
        OPTmonth = {month},
        pages = {88-108},
        OPTversion = {version},
        OPTnote = {note},
        OPTissn = {issn},
        OPTaddendum = {addendum},
        OPTpubstate = {pubstate},
        OPTdoi = {doi},
        OPTeprint = {eprint},
        OPTeprintclass = {eprintclass},
        OPTeprinttype = {eprinttype},
        OPTurl = {url},
        OPTurldate = {urldate},

        author = {Zerbisias, Antonia},
        ALTeditor = {editor},
        title = {Climate change coverage by the media diminishing as Earth continues to heat up},
        date = {2012},
        url = {http://www.thestar.com/news/insight/2012/01/13/climate\_change\_coverage\_by\_the\_media\_diminishing\_as\_earth\_continues\_to\_heat\_up.html},
        OPTsubtitle = {subtitle},
        OPTtitleaddon = {titleaddon},
        OPTlanguage = {language},
        OPTversion = {version},
        OPTnote = {note},
        OPTorganization = {organization},
        OPTdate = {date},
        month = {January},
        OPTyear = {year},
        OPTaddendum = {addendum},
        OPTpubstate = {pubstate},
        OPTurldate = {urldate},

        author = {{Canadian Broadcasting Corporation}},
        ALTeditor = {editor},
        title = {Sea level rise underestimated, say B.C. scientists},
        date = {2012},
        url = {http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/sea-level-rise-underestimated-say-b-c-scientists-1.1275818},
        OPTsubtitle = {subtitle},
        OPTtitleaddon = {titleaddon},
        OPTlanguage = {language},
        OPTversion = {version},
        OPTnote = {note},
        OPTorganization = {organization},
        OPTdate = {date},
        month = {February},
        OPTyear = {year},
        OPTaddendum = {addendum},
        OPTpubstate = {pubstate},
        OPTurldate = {urldate},

        author = {Frej, Willa},
        ALTeditor = {editor},
        title = {Bill Nye: Millennials Care about Climate Change, Conservatives Should Too},
        date = {2015},
        url = {http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/bill-nye-climate-change-millennials\_us\_5641f7c8e4b0b24aee4bb801},
        OPTsubtitle = {subtitle},
        OPTtitleaddon = {titleaddon},
        OPTlanguage = {language},
        OPTversion = {version},
        OPTnote = {note},
        organization = {The Huffington Post},
        OPTdate = {date},
        OPTmonth = {month},
        OPTyear = {year},
        OPTaddendum = {addendum},
        OPTpubstate = {pubstate},
        OPTurldate = {urldate},

        author = {Mathiesen, Karl},
        ALTeditor = {editor},
        title = {Brian Cox: scientists giving false sense of debate on climate change},
        date = {2014},
        url = {http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/sep/03/brian-cox-scientists-climate-change},
        OPTsubtitle = {subtitle},
        OPTtitleaddon = {titleaddon},
        OPTlanguage = {language},
        OPTversion = {version},
        OPTnote = {note},
        organization = {The Guardian},
        OPTdate = {date},
        month = {September},
        OPTyear = {year},
        OPTaddendum = {addendum},
        OPTpubstate = {pubstate},
        OPTurldate = {urldate},

        author = {Rogers, Shelagh},
        ALTeditor = {editor},
        title = {David Suzuki on the world we are creating for our grandchildren},
        date = {2015},
        url = {http://www.cbc.ca/radio/thenextchapter/david-suzuki-emily-urquhart-and-jane-urquhart-1.3240041/david-suzuki-on-the-world-we-are-creating-for-our-grandchildren-1.3240044},
        OPTsubtitle = {subtitle},
        OPTtitleaddon = {titleaddon},
        OPTlanguage = {language},
        OPTversion = {version},
        OPTnote = {note},
        OPTorganization = {organization},
        OPTdate = {date},
        month = {September},
        OPTyear = {year},
        OPTaddendum = {addendum},
        OPTpubstate = {pubstate},
        OPTurldate = {urldate},

        author = {Moore, Patrick},
        editor = {editor},
        title = {Patrick Moore - {The Sensible Environmentalist}},
        date = {2015},
        url = {http://www.ideacityonline.com/video/patrick-moore-the-sensible-environmentalist/},
        OPTsubtitle = {subtitle},
        OPTtitleaddon = {titleaddon},
        OPTlanguage = {language},
        OPTversion = {version},
        OPTnote = {note},
        organization = {Moses Znaimer's Idea City Conference},
        OPTdate = {date},
        OPTmonth = {month},
        OPTyear = {year},
        OPTaddendum = {addendum},
        OPTpubstate = {pubstate},
        OPTurldate = {urldate},

        author = {Rockel, Nick},
        ALTeditor = {editor},
        title = {David Suzuki informed Canada's environmental conscience},
        date = {2010},
        url = {http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/david-suzuki-informed-canadas-environmental-conscience/article4348511/},
        organization = {The Globe {and} Mail},
        OPTdate = {date},
        month = {November},
        OPTyear = {year},
        OPTsubtitle = {subtitle},
        OPTtitleaddon = {titleaddon},
        OPTlanguage = {language},
        OPTversion = {version},
        OPTnote = {note},
        OPTaddendum = {addendum},
        OPTpubstate = {pubstate},
        OPTurldate = {urldate},





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Word Count: (Total word count will go here)






