


我需要一个这样的图表(这是在 Libreoffice + 一些 gimp 中制作的):

使用 libreoffice 和一些 gimp 对导出的图像进行制作


  1. 一些堆叠的条形图(如果是堆叠区域则更好),其 Y 轴位于左侧。
  2. Y 轴位于右侧的一条线。
  3. X 轴上的“部分”(如图所示)。我不知道它们叫什么。
  4. 两个 Y 轴上的图例。





   time,   Blue,    Red, Yellow,  Green,  Brown
      0,      8,     20,     18,     19,    401
      1,      7,     65,     13,     30,    914
      2,     10,     88,      0,      0,   1215

其他部分均按部分切割(始终从 0 开始,以最大数字结束):



  • 图形和折线图,但它没有堆叠并且没有“部分”。
  • 这里堆叠条形图图表,但我在合并它们时遇到了麻烦。
  • 没看过这些“部分”




一旦情节变得足够复杂,你就会发现用你最喜欢的图形编程语言从头开始编程更有意义。对我来说,这种语言通常渐近线。Asymptote 生成矢量图形并用于排版。如果您愿意,Latex可以将其嵌入到您的文件中。Latex


以下图表由独立渐近线脚本创建,该脚本正在读取图表下方列出的两个外部数据文件。它被设计成看起来像上面的示例图和下面的示例图这个问题。脚本有 142 行,包括一些空白行。许多行都是我的许多绘图脚本中常见的简单内容,例如绘制和标记刻度。在“从头开始”制作许多绘图后,这种方法变得非常快。最重要的是,不需要妥协。




real wplot = 8.0;
real hplot = 5.0;

pair[] steps; // (start, end)
// Read steps.dat and fill steps array
    file fin = input("steps.dat").line();
    real[] values;
    while (!eof(fin)) { values.push((real) fin); }
    for (int i = 1; i < values.length; ++i)
        steps.push((values[i-1], values[i]));

struct Datum // a structure to hold the data associated with one time
    real time;
    real[] cores;
    real mem;
    void operator init(real time, real[] cores, real mem)
        this.time = time;
        this.cores = cores;
        this.mem = mem;
Datum[] data;
// Read data.dat and fill data array
    file fin = input("data.dat");
    while (true)
        real time = fin;
        real[] cores = {fin, fin, fin, fin};
        real mem = fin;
        if (eof(fin)) { break; }
        data.push(Datum(time, cores, mem));

real minTime = data[0].time;
real maxTime = data[data.length-1].time;
real timeToX(real time) { return (time - minTime) * wplot / (maxTime - minTime); }

real minCore = 0.0;
real maxCore = 400.0;
real coreToY(real core) { return (core - minCore) * hplot / (maxCore - minCore); }

real minMem = -400.0;
real maxMem = 7600.0;
real memToY(real mem) { return (mem - minMem) * hplot / (maxMem - minMem); }

// draw steps
    real stepDrop = 1.0;
    for (int i = 0; i < steps.length; ++i)
        real xmin = timeToX(steps[i].x);
        real xmax = timeToX(steps[i].y);
        pen fillPen = i % 2 == 1 ? rgb(0.9,1.0,0.9) : white;
                scale(xmax-xmin,hplot+stepDrop)*unitsquare, fillPen, lightgray);
        label("\large Step "+string(i+1), ((xmax+xmin)/2,-stepDrop), N);

real tickLength = 0.08;

// draw time ticks and labels
for (real time = minTime; time <= maxTime; time += 1.0)
    real x = timeToX(time);
    label(string(time), (x,0), 3*S, UnFill);
    draw(shift(x,0)*((0,0)--(0,-tickLength)), gray);

// draw core ticks and labels
for (real core = minCore; core <= maxCore; core += 50.0)
    real y = coreToY(core);
    label(string(core), (0,y), 3*W);
    draw(shift(0,y)*((wplot,0)--(-tickLength,0)), gray);

// draw mem ticks and labels
for (real mem = minMem; mem <= maxMem; mem += 1000.0)
    real y = memToY(mem);
    label(string(mem), (wplot,y), 3*E);
    draw(shift(wplot,y)*((0,0)--(tickLength,0)), gray);

path[] corePaths = array(4, nullpath);
// construct core paths
    for (int timeStep = 0; timeStep < data.length; ++timeStep)
        real coreSum = 0.0;
        for (int coreIndex = 0; coreIndex < 4; ++coreIndex)
            real thisCore = data[timeStep].cores[coreIndex];
            coreSum += thisCore;

            corePaths[coreIndex] = corePaths[coreIndex]--
                (timeToX(data[timeStep].time), coreToY(coreSum));

pen[] corePens = { blue, red, darkolive, black };
// plot core paths
    for (int coreIndex = 3; coreIndex > -1; --coreIndex)
                lightgray+0.5*corePens[coreIndex], 1+corePens[coreIndex]);

path memPath = nullpath;
// construct mem path
    for (int timeStep = 0; timeStep < data.length; ++timeStep)
        real thisMem = data[timeStep].mem;
        memPath = memPath--(timeToX(data[timeStep].time), memToY(thisMem));

// plot mem path
draw(memPath, 3+green);

draw(scale(wplot,hplot)*unitsquare, 2+gray); // draw plot outline

label("\large Time", (wplot/2,-0.5));
label(rotate(90)*"\large CPU Usage", (-0.8,hplot/2));
label(rotate(90)*"\large Memory Usage", (wplot+0.8,hplot/2));

data.dat 的内容是……

0 7.847 19.51 18.389 18.943 400.90
1 6.863 64.706 12.871 30 913.50
2 10 88 0 0 1215.19
3 57.576 39 0 0 1691.61
4 0.99 99 0.99 0 1694.64
5 0 40.594 60 0 1698.15
6 0 96.939 3.03 0 1699.55
7 0 50.495 48.515 0 1700.09
8 0.99 53 47 0 1703.00
9 0 28.283 69 3 1696.77
10 31.313 0 0 67.677 1697.30
11 15 84 1.01 2.941 2252.78
12 0 15 14.141 71.717 2249.72
13 31 27 6.931 37 2249.00
14 2 13.725 60.606 28 2248.16
15 9 34.343 41 19 2248.31
16 32 41.414 25.743 0 2250.18
17 26 33.663 20.408 21 2249.89
18 23 13 40 25.253 2249.89
19 47.525 18.182 22 12.121 2249.60
20 34.694 25.253 22.772 16.832 2249.32
21 22 0.99 42.574 37.374 2249.01
22 12.871 24 12.121 56.436 2251.39
23 17.172 15.152 49.02 20.202 2252.57
24 27 5.051 32.653 36 2252.72

steps.dat 的内容是......



我尝试根据您的要求创建图表的初稿。我使用了 pgfplots 和 tikz 软件包。

            \begin{axis}[ybar stacked, axis y line*=left] %first axis
            \addplot coordinates %blue
            \addplot coordinates %red
                    {(0,20) (1,65) (2,88)};

           \draw (axis cs:0,0) grid (axis cs:2,100);
            \draw[fill, blue, opacity=0.4] (axis cs:0.5,0)--(axis cs:0.5,100)--(axis cs:1.5,100)--(axis cs:1.5,0);    

            \begin{axis}[   axis y line*=right,  
                            axis x line = none] %second axis, function 







% works with PGFPlots v1.13 and TikZ v3.0.1a

        Time core1 core2 core3 core4 mem
        0   7.847  19.51   18.389  18.943    400.90
        1   6.863  64.706  12.871  30        913.50
        2  10      88       0       0       1215.19
        3  57.576  39       0       0       1691.61
        4   0.99   99       0.99    0       1694.64
        5   0      40.594  60       0       1698.15
        6   0      96.939   3.03    0       1699.55
        7   0      50.495  48.515   0       1700.09
        8   0.99   53      47       0       1703.00
        9   0      28.283  69       3       1696.77
        10 31.313   0       0      67.677   1697.30
        11 15      84       1.01    2.941   2252.78
        12   0     15      14.141  71.717   2249.72
        13  31     27       6.931  37       2249.00
        14  2      13.725  60.606  28       2248.16
        15  9      34.343  41      19       2248.31
        16 32      41.414  25.743   0       2250.18
        17 26      33.663  20.408  21       2249.89
        18 23      13      40      25.253   2249.89
        19 47.525  18.182  22      12.121   2249.60
        20 34.694  25.253  22.772  16.832   2249.32
        21 22       0.99   42.574  37.374   2249.01
        22 12.871  24      12.121  56.436   2251.39
        23 17.172  15.152  49.02   20.202   2252.57
        24 27       5.051  32.653  36       2252.72



        % define `xmax' value
        % (it has to be a command because it is later needed outside of an
        %  axis environment to filter the `steps' elements, which are greater
        %  than `xmax')

        % define color for the vertical lines for the steps
        \colorlet{step color}{black!60}

        % define here what both axis environments have in common
        % so you don't have to repeat this stuff at every axis
            every axis/.append style={
                axis on top,

            %%% collect all time stamps of the steps in `\allX'
            %%% it is later used in the axis environment to draw the lines
            %%% below the axis lines
            % store table for the steps
            % store number of rows
            % store first element to `\allX'
            \pgfplotstablegetelem{0}{[index] 0}\of\data
            % cycle through the rest of the list and append the time to
            % `\allX' if the value is smaller than `\xmax'
            \pgfplotsforeachungrouped \i in {1,...,\rows} {
                \pgfplotstablegetelem{\i}{[index] 0}\of\data
                \pgfmathparse{(\pgfplotsretval<\xmax) ? 1 : 0}
                \ifdim \pgfmathresult pt>0pt

            area style,
            stack plots=y,
            ylabel={CPU usage},
            ytick distance=25,  % <-- to match ticks on both axis

            \foreach \i in {1,...,4}{
                \addplot table [x=Time,y=core\i]{data.txt} \closedcycle;

            % use `ybar interval' plot to fake the vertical fills
            % (for that the `stack plots' has to be turned of to avoid
            %  an error message. Also this has to be plotted _after_ the
            %  `stack plots', because the plot sequence is reversed for
            %  `stack plots' --> last `\addplot' is drawn first)
            \addplot [
                stack plots=false,
                ybar interval,
                table [
                    x index=0,
                    % because only every second step should be filled
                    % switch the height of the bar between `ymax' and
                    % `ymin'. (To fill it the other way round, just
                    % replace `ymin' with `ymax' and vice versa)
                    y expr={ifthenelse(mod(\coordindex,2) == 0,


            no markers,
            %%% draw step labels
            % therefore use the data of the first `\addplot'
            % they should be drawn in the middle of two values
            x tick label as interval,
            % define how the label should look like
                % because indexing starts at 0 --> add 1
                \pgfmathparse{\ticknum + 1}
                Step \pgfmathprintnumber{\pgfmathresult}
            ylabel=memory usage,
            % draw "step" labels on top of graph
            xticklabel pos=upper,
            yticklabel pos=right,% <---
            clip=false,% <---
            % in case steps are larger than `xmax' -->  force it to be `xmax'
            % (here you see how to extract the `xmin' and `xmax' values
            %  when you are _inside_ of an axis environment)
            restrict x to domain*=

            % use `ybar interval' plot to fake some vertical lines
            % this also enables the easy printing of the `xticklabels'
            \addplot [
                draw=step color,
                ybar interval,
                table [
                    x index=0,
                    y expr={ifthenelse(mod(\coordindex,2) == 0,

            % now draw the other lines regarding to the second y axis
            \addplot [very thick,draw=green] table [x=Time,y=mem] {data.txt};


