ltablex 标题文本格式问题

ltablex 标题文本格式问题




当我使用没有\begin{table]and\end{table}环境的小表并将标题放在 内时tabularx,会出现与长表相同的问题,那么我该如何才能在长表上正常工作呢?我无法在那里使用\begin{table]and\end{table}环境,那么有没有其他方法可以让标题文本像在带有\begin{table]and\end{table}环境的小表上一样格式化?


在此处输入图片描述 在此处输入图片描述


\usepackage{mathptmx}% Times



\textbf{Column 1} & \textbf{Column 2} \\
$R$ & 1This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 2As well as the line before \\
$A$ & 3Also this is an example \\
$R$ & 4This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 5As well as the line before \\
$A$ & 6Also this is an example \\
$R$ & 7This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 8As well as the line before \\
$A$ & 9Also this is an example \\
$R$ & 10This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 11As well as the line before \\
$A$ & 12Also this is an example \\
\caption{Example of an table} 


\textbf{Column 1} & \textbf{Column 2} \\
$R$ & 1This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 2As well as the line before \\
$A$ & 3Also this is an example \\
$R$ & 4This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 5As well as the line before \\
$A$ & 6Also this is an example \\
$R$ & 7This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 8As well as the line before \\
$A$ & 9Also this is an example \\
$R$ & 10This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 11As well as the line before \\
$A$ & 12Also this is an example \\
$R$ & 13This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 14As well as the line before \\
$A$ & 15Also this is an example \\
$R$ & 16This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 17As well as the line before \\
$A$ & 18Also this is an example \\
$R$ & 19This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 20As well as the line before \\
$A$ & 21Also this is an example \\
$R$ & 22This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 23As well as the line before \\
$A$ & 24Also this is an example \\
$R$ & 25This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 26As well as the line before \\
$A$ & 27Also this is an example \\
$R$ & 28This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 29As well as the line before \\
$A$ & 30Also this is an example \\
$R$ & 31This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 32As well as the line before \\
$A$ & 33Also this is an example \\
$R$ & 34This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 35As well as the line before \\
$A$ & 36Also this is an example \\
$R$ & 37This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 1This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 2As well as the line before \\
$A$ & 3Also this is an example \\
$R$ & 4This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 5As well as the line before \\
$A$ & 6Also this is an example \\
$R$ & 7This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 8As well as the line before \\
$A$ & 9Also this is an example \\
$R$ & 10This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 11As well as the line before \\
$A$ & 12Also this is an example \\
$R$ & 13This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 14As well as the line before \\
$A$ & 15Also this is an example \\
$R$ & 16This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 17As well as the line before \\
$A$ & 18Also this is an example \\
$R$ & 19This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 20As well as the line before \\
$A$ & 21Also this is an example \\
$R$ & 22This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 23As well as the line before \\
$A$ & 24Also this is an example \\
$R$ & 25This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 26As well as the line before \\
$A$ & 27Also this is an example \\
$R$ & 28This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 29As well as the line before \\
$A$ & 30Also this is an example \\
$R$ & 31This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 32As well as the line before \\
$A$ & 33Also this is an example \\
$R$ & 34This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 35As well as the line before \\
$A$ & 36Also this is an example \\
$R$ & 37This is an example sentence \\
\caption{Example of an table2} 





        \textbf{Column 1} & \textbf{Column 2} \\\midrule
        $R$ & 1This is an example sentence \\
        $R$ & 2As well as the line before \\
        $A$ & 3Also this is an example \\
        $R$ & 4This is an example sentence \\
        $R$ & 5As well as the line before \\
        $A$ & 6Also this is an example \\
        $R$ & 7This is an example sentence \\
        $R$ & 8As well as the line before \\
        $A$ & 9Also this is an example \\
        $R$ & 10This is an example sentence \\
        $R$ & 11As well as the line before \\
        $A$ & 12Also this is an example \\
    \caption{Example of an table} \\

    \textbf{Column 1} & \textbf{Column 2} \\
    $R$ & 1This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 2As well as the line before \\

标题必须位于 内tabularx。然后执行不是使用环境tabletabularx它有自己的table计数器。




解决我的问题的方法是使用\captionsetup{margin=1pt}caption 包。使用 2pt 后,我​​获得了正确的标题对齐方式。


或者作为使用 Komascript 的替代方案 - 像我一样 - 该命令\setcapmargin{2pt}将执行相同的操作。


标题必须包含在表格中 – 就像在规范longtable中一样foot,如果您希望标题位于表格的底部,或者在规范中将head其位于表格上方(建议这样做)。

另外,如果您加载,则ltablex不必加载,因为它们已由 ltablex 加载。tabularxlongtable

    \usepackage{ltablex, booktabs}
    \captionsetup[table]{singlelinecheck=off, position=bottom}


    \textbf{Column 1} & \textbf{Column 2} \\
    $R$ & 1This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 2As well as the line before \\
    $A$ & 3Also this is an example \\
    $R$ & 4This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 5As well as the line before \\
    $A$ & 6Also this is an example \\
    $R$ & 7This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 8As well as the line before \\
    $A$ & 9Also this is an example \\
    $R$ & 10This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 11As well as the line before \\
    $A$ & 12Also this is an example \\
    \caption{Example of an table}

    \caption{Example of an table}\label{xyz}
    \caption{Example of an table}
    \textbf{Column 1} & \textbf{Column 2} \\
    $R$ & 1This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 2As well as the line before \\
    $A$ & 3Also this is an example \\
    $R$ & 4This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 5As well as the line before \\
    $A$ & 6Also this is an example \\
    $R$ & 7This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 8As well as the line before \\
    $A$ & 9Also this is an example \\
    $R$ & 10This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 11As well as the line before \\
    $A$ & 12Also this is an example \\
    $R$ & 13This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 14As well as the line before \\
    $A$ & 15Also this is an example \\
    $R$ & 16This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 17As well as the line before \\
    $A$ & 18Also this is an example \\
    $R$ & 19This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 20As well as the line before \\
    $A$ & 21Also this is an example \\
    $R$ & 22This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 23As well as the line before \\
    $A$ & 24Also this is an example \\
    $R$ & 25This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 26As well as the line before \\
    $A$ & 27Also this is an example \\
    $R$ & 28This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 29As well as the line before \\
    $A$ & 30Also this is an example \\
    $R$ & 31This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 32As well as the line before \\
    $A$ & 33Also this is an example \\
    $R$ & 34This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 35As well as the line before \\
    $A$ & 36Also this is an example \\
    $R$ & 37This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 1This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 2As well as the line before \\
    $A$ & 3Also this is an example \\
    $R$ & 4This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 5As well as the line before \\
    $A$ & 6Also this is an example \\
    $R$ & 7This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 8As well as the line before \\
    $A$ & 9Also this is an example \\
    $R$ & 10This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 11As well as the line before \\
    $A$ & 12Also this is an example \\
    $R$ & 13This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 14As well as the line before \\
    $A$ & 15Also this is an example \\
    $R$ & 16This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 17As well as the line before \\
    $A$ & 18Also this is an example \\
    $R$ & 19This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 20As well as the line before \\
    $A$ & 21Also this is an example \\
    $R$ & 22This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 23As well as the line before \\
    $A$ & 24Also this is an example \\
    $R$ & 25This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 26As well as the line before \\
    $A$ & 27Also this is an example \\
    $R$ & 28This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 29As well as the line before \\
    $A$ & 30Also this is an example \\
    $R$ & 31This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 32As well as the line before \\
    $A$ & 33Also this is an example \\
    $R$ & 34This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 35As well as the line before \\
    $A$ & 36Also this is an example \\
    $R$ & 37This is an example sentence


在此处输入图片描述 在此处输入图片描述
