\usepackage[nomarkers, nolists, tablesfirst, heads]{endfloat}
Hello this is the introduction section.
\subsection{Subsection 1}
This is subsection 1. This is the line spacing. This is subsection 1. This is the line spacing. This is subsection 1. This is the line spacing. This is subsection 1. This is the line spacing. This is subsection 1. This is the line spacing. This is subsection 1. This is the line spacing.\footnote{This a footnote.}
\includegraphics[scale=0.8]{figure1.eps} %width=12cm, height=11cm %scale=0.4 width=15cm, height=18cm
\caption{\small A four-period model. Variables in the first best allocation and in the competitive equilibrium without capital controls.}
\includegraphics[scale=0.8]{figure1.eps} %width=12cm, height=11cm %scale=0.4 width=15cm, height=18cm
\caption{\small A four-period model. Variables in the first best allocation and in the competitive equilibrium without capital controls.}
我复制了该图,因此我得到了两个。第一个图位于图页上,标题为“图”,然后是空白区域,因此图 1 与页面底部对齐,而包含图 2 的下一页垂直居中对齐。