

我正在尝试通过使用相对位置手动放置节点来构建图表。但我在放置节点的方式上遇到了一些问题。我尝试将其包含在 MWE 中:


    test node/.style={rectangle, draw, text height=1.5ex, text depth=0.25ex}

    \node (a) [test node] {First node};
    \node (b) [test node, above right=of a] {Upper branch 1};
    \node (c) [test node, below right=of a] {Lower branch 1};

        \foreach \pos/\n in {above right/x, right/y, below right/z}
                \node (\n) [circle, draw, \pos=of a] {};
                \foreach \a in {north, center, south}
                    \draw[shift=(\n.\a)] plot [mark=x] coordinates{(0,0)};
        \foreach \n in {x, y, z}
            \draw (0,2 -| \n.center) -- ++(0,-4);
        \node [circle, draw, below=of a] at (3,0) {};

如您所见,圆圈和文本节点相对于第一个节点的位置不一致。其次,三个圆圈在水平方向上不对齐。第三个“额外”之处是,最后一个圆圈与按键below和 x 方向的明确位置相结合放置,第三个方面也不一致。

无需手动添加坐标,正确的放置这些节点(具有不同的形状和不同的放置方式)的方法是什么?我需要组合不同的形状,并且需要明确设置一些 x 坐标以正确分布不同分支中的节点...



\node (b) [test node, above right=of a] {Upper branch 1};

设置anchor节点bsouth west不是west。然后b.south west位于 的右侧 1cm 和 的上方 1cm 处。如果节点是一个圆,则锚点和之间存在 - 方向a.north east的差异。xsouth westwest

如果的锚点b应该是west,则south west必须使用anchor=west 选项above right=of a

    test node/.style={rectangle, draw, text height=1.5ex, text depth=0.25ex},
    node distance=1cm and 1cm

    \node (a) [test node] {First node};
    \node (b) [test node, above right=of a,anchor=west] {Upper branch 1};
    \node (c) [test node, below right=of a,anchor=west] {Lower branch 1};

        \foreach \pos/\n in {above right/x, right/y, below right/z}
                \node (\n) [circle, draw, \pos=of a,anchor=west] {};
                \foreach \a in {north, center, south}
                    \draw[shift=(\n.\a)] plot [mark=x] coordinates{(0,0)};
        \foreach \n in {x, y, z}
            \draw (0,2 -| \n.center) -- ++(0,-4);
        \node [circle, draw, below=of a] at (3,0) {};

    \draw[blue](a.north east)--++(1,0)--+(0,1);
    \draw[orange](a.south east)--++(1,0)--+(0,-1);



    test node/.style={rectangle, draw, text height=1.5ex, text depth=0.25ex},
    node distance=1cm and 1cm

    \node (a) [test node] {First node};
    \node (b) [test node, above right=of a.east,anchor=west] {Upper branch 1};
    \node (c) [test node, below right=of a.east,anchor=west] {Lower branch 1};

        \foreach \pos/\n in {above right/x, right/y, below right/z}
                \node (\n) [circle, draw, \pos=of a.east,anchor=west] {};
                \foreach \a in {north, center, south}
                    \draw[shift=(\n.\a)] plot [mark=x] coordinates{(0,0)};
        \foreach \n in {x, y, z}
            \draw (0,2 -| \n.center) -- ++(0,-4);
        \node [circle, draw, below=of a] at (3,0) {};


