你们中有人在整理论文标题页时遇到过困难吗?这看起来非常简单,但我放弃了……任何帮助或建议都将不胜感激。我尝试在 latex 中创建以下标题页,但不断的错误让我很烦恼。
%title page
\centerline{Pretty Girls Secrets}.
\centerline{\textnormal{Pretty Girl Flirty}
\par\vspace*{.25\textheight}{\centering A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of}
\centerline{\textnormal{ Doctor of Philosophy }
\centerline{\textnormal{Flits Science}
\par\vspace*{.55\textheight}{\centering Department of Flirty Girls and Boys Science}
\centerline{\textnormal{ Flirt University}
\:\textcopyright Pretty Girl Flirty, 2015
另一个问题是:我有一些点(..............)- 考官应该签名的地方,但我希望用直线代替点。谢谢。莎莉。
Pretty Girls Secrets \\
by \\
Pretty Girl Flirty \\
A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of \\
Doctor of Philosophy \\
in \\
Flirt Science \\
Examined and approved on\\
by the following examiner:\\
Dr Xxxxx Xxxx (supervisor)\\
Department of Flirty Girls and Boys Science \\
Flirt University \\
\: \textcopyright Pretty Girl Flirty, 2015