我似乎无法解决我的问题。我不知道我的代码出了什么问题,它不会在最终的 pdf 中打印索引,我的代码是(我有一个带有章节的额外 .tex,其中有多个\index[terms]{something}
\usepackage{imakeidx}%for indexes
\makeindex[name=terms,title=\'Indice alfab\'etico,columns=2]
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{\LARGE\raggedleft \@author\par}%
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\author{Sebasti\'an N\'ajera Valencia}
\title{Notas de C\'alculo III 2017-1}
\date{ }
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\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\'Indice alfab\'etico}
T. ~Apostol, (2001). \emph{Calculus, Vol. II.} M\'exico. Revert\'e.
R.~Bartle, (1976). \emph{The Elements of Real Analysis.} Estados Unidos. Wiley.
Y.~Choquet-Bruhat, C. ~DeWitt-Morette (1982). \emph{Analysis, Manifolds and Physics, Part 1: Basics.} Estados Unidos. North Holland.
A. ~Devinatz (1968). \emph{Advanced Calculus.} Estados Unidos. Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
H. ~Edwards (1994). \emph{Advanced Calculus: A Differential Forms Approach.} Estados Unidos. Birkh\"auser.
W. ~Fleming (1987). \emph{Functions of Several Variables (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics).} Estados Unidos. Springer.
S. ~Lang (1996). \emph{Calculus of Several Variables (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics).} Estados Unidos. Springer.
L.~Loomis, S. ~Sternberg, (1990). \emph{Advanced Calculus.} Estados Unidos. Johns \& Bartlett Publishing.
J. ~Munkres, (2008). \emph{Analysis on Manifolds.} Estados Unidos. Westview Press.
H.K. ~Nickerson, D.C. ~Spencer, N.E. ~Steenrod (2011). \emph{Advanced Calculus.} Estados Unidos. Dover.
B. ~O'Neill, (1972). \emph{Elementos de Geometr\'ia Diferencial.} M\'exico. Limusa.
M. ~Spivak, (2004). \emph{C\'alculo en Variedades.} M\'exico. Revert\'e.
\bibliography{aipsamp}% Produces the bibliography via BibTeX.