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\section{Academic formation}
- Actual study : 2nd year in Pure Mathematics at UdeM
- Previous studies : natural science (pure profile) at College de Valleyfield, Cegep of Saint-Hyacinthe in management and farm business operations (FMT) and high school diploma.
\section{Research intership}
I have no research experience with a teacher. However, here are some mathematical books I read, flew: \\
\item Differential topology, Victor Guillemin and Alan Pollack
\item Topology : point-set and geometric, Paul L. Shick
\item Differential geometry of curves and surfaces, Manfredo P. do Carmo
\section{-1.5 cm} {Experience related to mathematics}
\item Putnam contest 2015
\item Putnam contest 2014 (Result : 20/120)
\item Contest - Quebec Mathematical Association (2013)
\section{Work experience - Without mathematics}
1- During my time at Collège de Valleyfield \\ \\
\item Committee member of the scientific journal
\item Tutor Assistance center in French (written)
\item Tutor in English
\item Participation to '' contest philosophize ''
2- June 2013 - January 2014 \\ \\
Laboratory technician - Pharmacy Bélanger and Gauthier (Brunet)
\item Work requested: Assist the pharmacist and reached a maximum of technical tasks
\item Qualifications: Good teamwork, organization and a lot of initiative
3- June 2012 - Febuary 2013 \\ \\
Laboratory technician - Pharmacy Chicha and Lafontaine (HEA) \\
\item Work requested: Assist the pharmacist and reached a maximum of technical tasks
\item Qualifications: Good teamwork, organization and a lot of initiative
4- March 2011- April 2012 \\ \\
Responsable clerk - Jean Coutu pharmacy \\
\item Work requested: Personnel management, product placement, checkout and cleaning
\item Qualifications: Good teamwork, organization, initiative and leadership
5- Winter 2010 -2011 \\ \\
Factory Worker - Sika Canada \\
\item Work requested: Caning, packaging and cleaning
\item Qualifications: Good teamwork and assiduity
6- Summer 2009-2010 \\ \\
Farm Worker - Internship Saskatchewan and New Brunswick \\
\item Work requested: Field work (harvesting, seed work, tillage) and maintenance
\item Qualifications: Good teamwork, meticulous organization, initiative, autonomy and adaptation
7- 2003 - 2011 \\ \\
Farm Worker - Agri-Fusion 2000 Inc.\\
\item Work requested: Maintenance of a drying plan, field work (harvesting, seed, tillage) and maintenance
\item Qualifications: Good teamwork, meticulous organization, initiative, autonomy, adaptation and ability to communicate
\section{Soft Skills}
\item Mathematica
\item Matlab
\item LaTex
\item Word
\item Excel
\item Powerpoint