\tikzset{every circle/.append style={x=1cm, y=1cm}}
% --- Independent parameters ---
\def\h{3} % cylinder height
\pgfmathtruncatemacro\tA{-60} % A angle
\def\zA{0} % A applicate
\pgfmathtruncatemacro\tB{300} % B angle
\def\zB{3} % B applicate
\pgfmathtruncatemacro\n{1} % number of additional turns
\pgfmathtruncatemacro\NbPt{351} % number of dots for drawing the helix portion
\def\rhelixdots{0.02} % radius of dots forming helix
\def\rAB{0.05} % radius of A and B dots
% --- Draw cylinder ---
% peripheral spokes
\foreach \t in {20,40,...,360}
\draw[gray,very thin,dashed] ({cos(\t)},{sin(\t)},0)
% lower circle
\draw[black,very thin] (1,0,0)
\foreach \t in {2,3,...,360}
% upper circle
\draw[black,very thin] (1,0,\h)
\foreach \t in {2,4,...,360}
% --- Draw helix ---
\foreach \t in {\tone,\ttwo,...,\tlast}{%
\fill[red] ({cos(\t)},{sin(\t)},{\p*(\t-\tA)/360+\zA}) circle [radius=\rhelixdots];
% --- Draw A and B ---
%\node at ({cos(\tA)},{sin(\tA)},\zA-.3) {\color{red}{-}};
%\node at ({cos(\tA)},{sin(\tA)},\zA-.63) {horizontal width};
\def\height{4} % Height of the cylinder
\def\loops{3} % Number of loops
\begin{axis}[axis equal, ticks=none, hide axis, view/h=270, view/v=20]
\addplot3[opacity = 0.7, surf, faceted color=gray, lightgray, samples = 25, variable = \u, variable y = \v, domain = 0:360, y domain = 0:\height]
({cos(u)}, {sin(u)}, {v});
\addplot3[opacity = 1, surf, faceted color=none, red, samples = 25, variable = \u, variable y = \v, domain = 160:270, y domain = 0:\height]
({cos(u)}, {sin(u)},
((\loops)*\height)/(\loops)-(\width) + (\height)/(\loops)*0.5*cos(u/2) ,
min( (\loops)*(\height)/(\loops)+(\width)+(\height)/(\loops)*0.5*cos(u/2) ,v)
\foreach \loop in {2,...,\loops}
\addplot3[opacity =1, surf, faceted color=none, red, samples = 25, variable = \u, variable y = \v, domain = 90:270, y domain = 0:\height]
(((\loop)-1)*\height)/(\loops)-(\width) +(\height)/(\loops)*0.5*cos(u/2) ,
min( ((\loop)-1)*(\height)/(\loops)+(\width) + (\height)/(\loops)*0.5*cos(u/2) ,v)
\addplot3[opacity = 1, surf, faceted color=none, red, samples = 25, variable = \u, variable y = \v, domain = 90:200, y domain = 0:\height]
({cos(u)}, {sin(u)},
((0)*\height)/(\loops)-(\width) +(\height)/(\loops)*0.5*cos(u/2) ,
min( (0)*(\height)/(\loops)+(\width)+(\height)/(\loops)*0.5*cos(u/2) ,v)