为什么 Debian 没有 time(1) 联机帮助页?

为什么 Debian 没有 time(1) 联机帮助页?


作为旁注,它似乎是 BASH 内置命令,因为dpkg --search bin/time找不到它。也许这样的命令没有自己的联机帮助页?


正确的,通常 shell 内置程序有help页面,因为它们的使用通常不涉及。如果内置命令如此复杂,可能会通过将该功能推入其自己的可执行文件来简化 shell 逻辑,此时它获取手册页。

time您可以使用以下方式获取信息help time

[jadavis6@ditirlns01 ~]$ help time
time: time [-p] PIPELINE
    Execute PIPELINE and print a summary of the real time, user CPU time,
    and system CPU time spent executing PIPELINE when it terminates.
    The return status is the return status of PIPELINE.  The `-p' option
    prints the timing summary in a slightly different format.  This uses
    the value of the TIMEFORMAT variable as the output format.
times: times
    Print the accumulated user and system times for processes run from
    the shell.

由于您的示例是bash,对于 GNU 工具,您可能还会尝试info <toolName>获取更详尽的信息。help被设计为在命令行上运行,他们不想淹没您的屏幕(可能将有用的信息推到屏幕之外),因此他们尝试保持help简短并在信息页面中为您提供完整的信息。例如:

[jadavis6@hypervisor ~]$ info time

<...按下 Enter 后,会出现一个 ncurses 页面...>

File: time.info,  Node: Top,  Prev: (dir),  Up: (dir)

   This file documents the the GNU `time' command for running programs
and summarizing the system resources they use.  This is edition 1.7,
for version 1.7.

* Menu:

* Resource Measurement::  Measuring program resource use.

 -- The Detailed Node Listing --

Measuring Program Resource Use

* Setting Format::      Selecting the information reported by `time'.
* Format String::       The information `time' can report.
* Redirecting::         Writing the information to a file.
* Examples::            Examples of using `time'.
* Accuracy::            Limitations on the accuracy of `time' output.
* Invoking time::       Summary of the options to the `time' command.

The Format String

* Time Resources::
* Memory Resources::
* I/O Resources::
* Command Info::



正确的。 Shell 内置函数包含在其 shell 的手册页中,因为不存在适合它们的离散手册部分。
