\begin{axis}[ymin = 0, axis x line = bottom, axis y line=middle, legend pos=outer north east]
\addplot [name path=A, domain=-5:5,cyan, thick]{x^2 + 2*x + 2};
\addplot [name path=B, domain=0:10,orange,thick]{2*x + 2};
\legend{$f(x)$, $g(x)$}
\addplot[blue!20] fill between[of=A and B];
您可以soft clip
\begin{axis}[ymin = 0, axis x line = bottom, axis y line=middle,
legend pos=outer north east]
\addplot [name path=A, domain=-5:5,cyan, thick]{x^2 + 2*x + 2};
\addplot [name path=B, domain=0:10,orange,thick]{2*x + 2};
\legend{$f(x)$, $g(x)$}
\addplot[blue!20] fill between[of=A and B,
soft clip={domain={0:10}}]; %<--------- added
\begin{axis}[ymin = 0, axis x line = bottom, axis y line=middle,
legend pos=outer north east]
\addplot [name path=A, domain=-5:5,cyan, thick]{x^2 + 2*x + 2};
\addplot [name path=B, domain=0:10,orange,thick]{2*x + 2};
\legend{$f(x)$, $g(x)$}
\path [name path=yaxis] (0,0)--(0,35); %<---- third path
\addplot[blue!20] fill between[of=A and B,
soft clip={domain={0:10}}]; %<---- added soft clip
\addplot[blue!20] fill between[of=A and yaxis,
soft clip={domain={0:10}}]; %<----- added second region