tikz 中的简单 if-then 语句

tikz 中的简单 if-then 语句

我一直在尝试生成一个图,其中两个顶点以概率 p 连接。以下是我到目前为止尝试过的,

 % size of circle
 \def \radius {2cm}
 \def \margin {8}
 % number of vertices
 \def \n {5}
 % Probability for an edge to show up between vertices
 \def \p {0.5}

 % Drawing the vertices/nodes
 \foreach \s in {1,...,\n}
  \node[draw, circle] (\s) at ({360/\n * (\s - 1)}:\radius) {};

 % Drawing the edges
 \foreach \s in {1,...,\n}
  \foreach \t in {\s,...,\n}
    % Generate and store a random number to the variable \dummynum
    % If dummynum is less than p, edge is drawn; otherwise nothing happens
    \ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\dummynum pt < \p pt}}{\draw (\t) -- (\s);}{}

编译器无法编译它,并给出错误“段落在 \pgffor@next 完成之前结束”。

我确信问题出在 ifthenelse 行,但到目前为止我还不知道如何修复它。有人能指出错误并知道如何修复吗?谢谢。


我更喜欢使用 \ifdim ...\fi(tikz 解析器可以识别),而不是处理包\ifthenelse中的宏。还有,但这需要使用我的编辑器自动转换为“...”(它的一个不太有用的功能)。此外,要求执行的代码位于组内。最后,我不知道你想用 做什么。 xifthen\pgfmathifthenelse"..."\foreach{...}\pgfmathsetseed


 % size of circle
 \def \radius {2cm}
 \def \margin {8}
 % number of vertices
 \def \n {5}
 % Probability for an edge to show up between vertices
 \def \p {0.5}

 % Drawing the vertices/nodes
 \foreach \s in {1,...,\n}
  \node[draw, circle] (\s) at ({360/\n * (\s - 1)}:\radius) {};

 % Drawing the edges
 \foreach \s in {1,...,\n}{
  \foreach \t in {\s,...,\n} {
    % Generate and store a random number to the variable \dummynum
    % If dummynum is less than p, edge is drawn; otherwise nothing happens
    \ifdim\pgfmathresult pt < \p pt\relax \draw (\t) -- (\s);\fi

