When $^\text{1}$ \underline{\smash{you warm a meal up}} in a microwave oven, $^\text{2}$ \underline{\smash{the food absorbs radio waves}} and these are converted into heat. While $^\text{3}$ \underline{\smash{it is cooking the meal}}, only the food gets hot. So when $^\text{4}$ \underline{\smash{it has heated the food up}}, the dish, glass or plastic container will still be relatively cool, as $^\text{5}$ \underline{\smash{these materials will not have absorbed the radio waves.}} This means that $^\text{6}$ \underline{\smash{we can describe microwaving}} as quite an efficient use of electricity.
Although $^\text{7}$ \underline{\smash{we often think of the microwave}} as a fairly modern appliance, in fact $^\text{8}$ \underline{\smash{someone invented it}} back in 1945. The first microwaves were huge, nearly two meters high, but $^\text{9}$ \underline{\smash{restaurants were already using them}} in the 1950s. Within twenty years manufacturers were producing much smaller models, and by 1975 $^\text{10}$\underline{\smash{they had sold over a million}} in the USA alone.
,文本被强制对齐,产生等待空间,从而生成 badbox。有没有办法通过不生成 badbox 来修复对齐问题?
When \footnotemark\ \ul{you warm a meal up} in a microwave oven,
\footnotemark\ \ul{the food absorbs radio waves} and these are converted into heat. While \footnotemark\ \ul{it is cooking the meal}, only
the food gets hot. So when \footnotemark\ \ul{it has heated
the food up}, the dish, glass or plastic container will still
be relatively cool, as \footnotemark\ \ul{these materials
will not have absorbed the radio waves.} This means that
\footnotemark\ \ul{we can describe microwaving} as quite
an efficient use of electricity.