

我在 Latex 中定位浮动元素(表格)时遇到了困难。我有两段文字,我想让浮动元素位于这两段文字之间,但我还想让表格位于新页面上。


  • 第 1 页第一段
  • 第 2 页表格
  • 第 3 页第二段


\documentclass[reqno, a4paper,12pt]{amsart}






This is just some example text that should be on the page \emph{before} the figure. This is just some example text that should be on the page \emph{before} the figure. This is just some example text that should be on the page \emph{before} the figure. This is just some example text that should be on the page \emph{before} the figure. This is just some example text that should be on the page \emph{before} the figure. This is just some example text that should be on the page \emph{before} the figure. This is just some example text that should be on the page \emph{before} the figure. This is just some example text that should be on the page \emph{before} the figure. This is just some example text that should be on the page \emph{before} the figure. This is just some example text that should be on the page \emph{before} the figure. This is just some example text that should be on the page \emph{before} the figure. This is just some example text that should be on the page \emph{before} the figure. This is just some example text that should be on the page \emph{before} the figure. This is just some example text that should be on the page \emph{before} the figure. This is just some example text that should be on the page \emph{before} the figure. This is just some example text that should be on the page \emph{before} the figure. This is just some example text that should be on the page \emph{before} the figure. This is just some example text that should be on the page \emph{before} the figure. This is just some example text that should be on the page \emph{before} the figure. This is just some example text that should be on the page \emph{before} the figure. This is just some example text that should be on the page \emph{before} the figure. This is just some example text that should be on the page \emph{before} the figure. This is just some example text that should be on the page \emph{before} the figure. This is just some example text that should be on the page \emph{before} the figure. This is just some example text that should be on the page \emph{before} the figure. This is just some example text that should be on the page \emph{before} the figure. This is just some example text that should be on the page \emph{before} the figure. This is just some example text that should be on the page \emph{before} the figure. This is just some example text that should be on the page \emph{before} the figure. This is just some example text that should be on the page \emph{before} the figure.

\caption{Table 1}
\includegraphics[width=3cm]  & \includegraphics[width=3cm]  & \includegraphics[width=3cm] k  \\
\includegraphics[width=3cm] & \includegraphics[width=3cm] & \includegraphics[width=3cm] k \\
\includegraphics[width=3cm] & \includegraphics[width=3cm] & \includegraphics[width=3cm] k \\
\includegraphics[width=3cm] & \includegraphics[width=3cm] & \includegraphics[width=3cm]  k \\
\includegraphics[width=3cm] & \includegraphics[width=3cm] & \includegraphics[width=3cm] k\\
V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V   && \\

I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page. I want this text to be on a new page.


我决定在表格底部多次输入字母“V”,尝试将其下方的文本推到新页面上(然后我会幻影 V),但是只要达到一定数量的 v,表格就会立即移动到最后一页。这几乎就像页面的某些部分是为文本和一些图像保留的。如果有一种方法可以实现当表格的 60% 以上是浮动时不包含任何文本,那么这将是理想的。我确实尝试了该\renewcommand{\floatpagefraction}{.8}%命令,但没有成功。我取得了一些成功,\clearpage但这似乎只有在您未在命令后包含任何数字时才有效。我确实计划在本节之后包含数字。我需要一个只影响这 3 页的解决方案。或者至少是一种修改页面上允许的浮动百分比的方法(因此我至少可以通过在页面底部添加 V 来强制它)。

