我正在做一个项目并想尝试一下 Tikz-cd,但是在从一端到另一端添加弯曲的箭头时遇到了麻烦。
在使用 tikz 之前,我曾在两个节点之间做过类似的事情,但由于使用 tikz-cd 时节点的定义方式不一定相同,所以我不确定应该如何返回并添加线条。我提供了常规 tikz 示例来展示我之前是如何做的,我的新图表完全符合应有的样子,除了从 0 到 0 的另一条曲线。有人能帮忙解释如何在新设置中做到这一点吗?此外,新箭头不必是箭头\mapsto
\lhead{Tikz vs. Tikz-cd}
I have done this using just Tikz in the past.
\[\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2cm]
\node (Q1){$0$};
\node[right of=Q1] (Q2){$L$};
\node[right of=Q2] (Q3){$M$};
\node[right of=Q3] (Q4){$N$};
\node[right of=Q4] (Q5){$0$};
\draw[->,thick] (Q1) -- (Q2);
\draw[->,thick] (Q2) -- node[pos=.5,above]{$\psi$}(Q3);
\draw[->,thick] (Q3) -- node[pos=.5,above]{$\varphi$}(Q4);
\draw[->,thick] (Q4) --(Q5);
\draw [bend left,->,dashed] (Q4) to node[pos=.5,below]{$\alpha$}(Q3);
\draw [bend left,->,dashed] (Q3) to node[pos=.5,below left]{$\beta$}(Q2);
Now I am trying to switch to using Tikz-cd, and I would like to add a curved under arrow from the zero on one end to the other. I have been able to solve the rest of it but I am not very fluent with the tikz-cd syntax yet.
\[\begin{tikzcd}[node distance=2cm]
0 \arrow[mapsto]{r}{\varphi^{(1)}_{1}}
& 24 \arrow[mapsto]{r}{\varphi^{(1)}_{1}}
& 17 \arrow[mapsto]{r}{\varphi^{(1)}_{1}}
& 18 \arrow[mapsto]{r}{\varphi^{(1)}_{1}}
& 0
& 0 \arrow[mapsto, bend left]{l}
它让我得到了曲线,但如果有帮助的话,只返回一个节点而不是 4 个。
基本上是一个节点矩阵,或者换句话说,一个表。因此,如果您写\arrow[mapsto, bend left]{l}
它向左 ( l
将其替换为\arrow[mapsto, bend left]{llll}
0 \arrow[r, "\varphi^{(1)}_{1}", maps to] & 24 \arrow[r, "\varphi^{(1)}_{1}", maps to] & 17 \arrow[r, "\varphi^{(1)}_{1}", maps to] & 18 \arrow[r, "\varphi^{(1)}_{1}", maps to] & 0 \arrow[llll, maps to, bend left]