


  1. “行”之间可以任意分隔。(表格可以拆分为行。)
  2. 要对齐的点并不总是可以被视为属于表格的行或单元格,因为它们可以出现在普通段落的中间,而段落的其余部分不会受到此对齐的影响。




(2) X 缺少一个主题。-------------∙ 什么/谁缺少一个主题?




(4)--------------------------∙ 我的朋友邀请了谁?



本段希望其跳跃能够落在 ---∙ 与上一段的跳跃完全相同的绝对水平位置(这里执行得不太完美)。

在跳转 ∙ 之前到达位置时如何表现尚未定义,但可以通过跳转到下一行并在那里对齐来定义。

跳转也可以发生在段落的第二行,这样看起来更像 -------------------------------∙ 这个跳转。

我觉得我需要的是一种机制来记住某个水平位置(比如距左边距 30pt)(类似于标签既不记住最后生成的数字也不记住它所在的页面,而是记住它的绝对水平位置 - 也许是?tikz node),然后稍后在文档中恢复它并使用它来水平定位这个绝对位置(距左边距 30pt)上的某个东西。

我需要这样做的一个特定情况是,语言示例是并行构建的,但出现在文档的不同部分(见上文)。特别是如果它们在同一页上,通过这种对齐来显示它们属于一起将是很好的视觉语义。在那里,上面的第 2 点不成立,所以我在tabu最后的 MWE 中记住了一个表格序言。


  This sentence misses X. \hspace*{4em} & What does this sentence miss?\\

第二个问题是,使用表格并不总是一种选择,如上面的第二个案例所示。请参阅 MWE 的结尾以了解第二个问题,通过手动调整所有\hspace命令解决了该问题:



\ex \begin{tabu}[t]{X[-1]@{\hspace{1em}}X}\savetabu{mypreamble}
  This sentence misses X. & What does this sentence miss?\\

Comments in between.

\ex \begin{tabu}{\usetabu{mypreamble}}
  X misses a subject. & Who/what misses a subject?\\

Another comment.

\ex \begin{tabu}{\usetabu{mypreamble}}
  My friends invited X to the party. & Who did my Friends invite to the party?\\

This paragraph horizontally jumps \hspace*{3em} \textbullet\ at some 
point for some reason. The rest of the text can span other the next lines.

This paragraph wants its jumps to land \hspace*{.5em} \textbullet\ 
exactly at the same absolute horizontal position as the jump from the 
above paragraph (not quite perfectly executed here).

How to behave when the position is reached before jumping \textbullet\ is undefined.

The jump can also happen in the second line of the paragraph, so that it 
looks like \hspace*{16em} \textbullet\ this jump. 








  \QuestionFormat{Who did my friends invite to the party?}%
  \hspace*{1em plus 1fill}\hbox to \QuestionLength{%

  This sentence is missing X.
  \question{What is this sentence missing?}

  Some comment/paragraph(s) in between.

  X is missing a subject.
  \question{What/Who is missing a subject?}

  Some comment/paragraph(s) in between.

  My friends invited X to the party.
  \question{Who did my friends invite to the party?}

  Some comment/paragraph(s) in between.

  \question{Who did my friends invite?}





  \QuestionFormat{Who did my friends invite to the party?}%
   Some comment/paragraph(s) in between.%

    \dimen0=\dimexpr\linewidth - \LeftPartLength - \MiddleSep\relax
      \errmessage{Question is large by %
    \hspace*{\MiddleSep plus 1fill}%
    \hbox to \dimen0{%

  This sentence is missing X.
  \question{What is this sentence missing?}

  Some comment/paragraph(s) in between.

  X is missing a subject.
  \question{What/Who is missing a subject?}

  Some comment/paragraph(s) in between.

  My friends invited X to the party.
  \question{Who did my friends invite to the party?}

  Some comment/paragraph(s) in between.

  \question{Who did my friends invite?}



感谢 touhami 的建议,我找到了更通用的解决方案zref-savepos。请参阅软件包的文档以获取一些解释。一个困难似乎是绝对位置很难处理,而相对位置还可以。它最多需要5 合辑把事情做好!




% because the bullets where here only to explicit what I wanted to align
% I didn't include them in the macros

% first the more general solution for paragraphs

\newlength{\tab}% the length of the jumps
\newcommand{\banchor}[1]{\zsaveposx{#1}}% choose the reference point

\newcommand{\balign}[2]{% the 1st argument is the anchorname of the current jump
                        % the 2nd argument is the name of the general anchor chosen
                        % through \banchor
\rule{0pt}{0pt}% to avoid trouble at the beginning of lines
\zsaveposx{#1}\zrefused{#1}% set the reference point from where you want to jump
\setlength{\tab}{\zposx{#2}sp-\zposx{#1}sp}% calculate the length of the jump
\ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\tab<0pt}}% if it's a negative jump,
    % then begin a new line and set the reference at its beginning
    % with a new anchor name
  \setlength{\tab}{\zposx{#2}sp-\zposx{#1improbablename}sp}% recalculate the jump
  } %
\parbox[l]{\tab}{\rule{0pt}{0pt}}% use a \parbox to jump a exact unstrechtable length
% \hspace*{\tab} doesn't work here, because it's strechtable

This paragraph horizontally jumps\hspace*{4em}\banchor{B}\textbullet\ at  some point
for some reason. The rest of the text can span other the next lines. 
% this jump is arbitrary, the next ones (previous ones would also work)
% will adapt and align with it

This paragraph wants its jump to land\balign{Ba}{B}\textbullet\ exactly at the same
absolute horizontal position as the jump from the above paragraph (quite perfectly
executed here).

\balign{Bb}{B}\textbullet\ jumping directly to the point is also an option.

How to behave when the position is reached before jumping\balign{Bc}{B}\textbullet\ could
be defined by jumping to the next line.

The jump can also happen The jump can also happen The jump can also happen in the second
line of the paragraph, so that it looks like
\balign{Be}{B}\textbullet\ this jump. 


% now to the linguistic examples, following the same principles, 
% but a bit adapted for the more specific needs of the linguistic  examples:
% compile and detect where to put the aligning anchor with \bmark
% use \btab to align the other right parts with it



\hspace*{\tab}}% \hspace* is ok, because wrapped lines are unexpected

\ex This sentence misses X.\btab{Aa}{A}\textbullet\ What does this sentence  miss?

Comments/explanations/paragraphs in between.

\ex X misses a subject.\btab{Ab}{A}\textbullet\ Who/what misses a subject?

Another comment.

\ex My friends invited X to the party.\bmark{A}\textbullet\ Who
did my friends invite to the party?

Another comment.

\ex \btab{Ac}{A}\textbullet\ Who did my friends invite?













\def\do#1{\@ifdefinable #1{\newdimen #1}}
% the above is because \newlength allocates a \skip

% To allow customization:
    \newtoks\EveryJumpingPar \EveryJumpingPar={}

    \JPprevpardepth \prevdepth
    \setbox\z@ \vbox\bgroup
        \color@begingroup % not sure it's really necessary
        \parfillskip \@flushglue
        \prevdepth \JPprevpardepth
        \indent \the\EveryJumpingPar
    \setbox\tw@ \vbox{%
        \setbox\tw@ \lastbox % note that "\indent\par" yields at least one box
        \global \setbox\@ne \hbox{\unhbox\tw@}%
        \global \dimen@i \lastskip % should be -- finger crossed! -- the 
                                  % interline glue above the last box
        \unskip \unpenalty % remove interline glue and widow penalty
        \setbox\tw@ \lastbox % if non-void, assume it is penultimate line
        \global \dimen3 \ifvoid\tw@
    \ifdim \wd\@ne<\JumpIndentation
        % backspace vertically by one line
        \skip@ \parskip
        \advance \skip@ \ht\@ne
        \advance \skip@ \dp\@ne
        \advance \skip@ \dimen@i
        \vskip -\skip@
        \prevdepth \dimen3
        \prevdepth \dp\@ne
    {\parindent \JumpIndentation \indent}%


\setlength{\JumpIndentation}{.57\textwidth} % set as desired


Let's begin with an ordinart paragraph.


Now a ``jumping paragraph''.

Another ordinary (\emph{i.e.}, ``non-jumping'') paragraph in between, consisting
of at least two lines of text.

Note that all ``jump'' positions\Jump are vertically aligned, as required.

If the horizontal position to jump to has already been passed,\Jump the
\verb|\Jump| commands jumps to the next line, as required too.

Let's try, this time, to get aaaaalmost to\Jump the point!  Now we try again, 
with just one more~``a''.

Let's try, this time, to get aaaaaalmost to\Jump the point!  Are you satisfied?

\EveryJumpingPar{\textbullet\ }

Moreover, you can use the token register \verb|\EveryJumpingPar| to customize 
the appearance of\Jump your ``jumping paragraphs''.

That's all, folks!




这应该被视为对答案的初步近似:我将等待 OP 的评论,然后再介绍可能的增强功能。





\def\do#1{\@ifdefinable #1{\newdimen #1}}
% the above is because \newlength allocates a \skip

% To allow customization:
    \newtoks\EveryJumpingPar \EveryJumpingPar={}

\@ifdefinable\@JP@saved@par{} % just check that the name can be used
    \@JP@normal@indent \parindent
    \@JP@prevpardepth \prevdepth
    \setbox\z@ \vbox\bgroup
        \color@begingroup % not sure it's really necessary
        \parfillskip \@flushglue
        \prevdepth \@JP@prevpardepth
        {\parindent #1\indent #2}%
        \global \dimen@i \prevdepth
    \prevdepth \dimen@i % for the moment
    \setbox\z@ \vbox{%
        \setbox\z@ \lastbox % note that "\indent\par" yields at least one box
        \global \setbox\@ne \hbox{\unhbox\z@}%
        \global \dimen@i \lastskip % should be -- finger crossed! -- the 
                                   % interline glue above the last box
        \unskip \unpenalty % remove interline glue and widow penalty
        \setbox\z@ \lastbox % if non-void, assume it is penultimate line
        \global \dimen3 \ifvoid\z@
    \ifdim \wd\@ne<\JumpIndentation
        % backspace vertically by one line
        \skip@ \parskip
        \advance \skip@ \ht\@ne
        \advance \skip@ \dp\@ne
        \advance \skip@ \dimen@i
        \vskip -\skip@
        \prevdepth \dimen3
        \dimen@ \ht\@ne
        \prevdepth \dp\@ne
        \dimen@ \z@
    \@JP@par@open\JumpIndentation{\vrule \@width\z@ \@height\dimen@}%


\setlength{\JumpIndentation}{.57\textwidth} % set as desired


Let's begin with an ordinary paragraph.


% No empty lines here!
Now a ``jumping paragraph''.
\Jump Regrettably, \verb|Overfull \hbox|'es might occur: this is almost
inevitable, given the fact that a line containing a ``jump'' places a double
constraint on the choice of the breakpoints.

Another ordinary (\emph{i.e.}, ``non-jumping'') paragraph in between, consisting
of at least two lines of text.  Note that it occurs \emph{within} a 
\texttt{JumpingParagraphs} environment.

Note that all ``jump'' positions\Jump are vertically aligned, as required.

If the horizontal position to jump to has already been passed,\Jump the
\verb|\Jump| commands jumps to the next line, as required too.

Let's try, this time, to get aaaaalmost to\Jump the point!  Now we try again, 
with just one more~``a''.

Let's try, this time, to get aaaaaalmost to\Jump the point!  Are you satisfied?

Moreover, you can use the token register \verb|\EveryJumpingPar| to customize 
the appearance of\Jump your ``jumping paragraphs''.  However, it must be set 
\emph{outside} of the \texttt{JumpingParagraphs} environment.

The \verb|\Jump| command can also be used\Jump several times\Jump within a
single paragraph.  And in-line mathematics (say, \( y=\sin(x) \)) may\Jump
occur, too.  As it is quite obvious, you can both jump \emph{to} math\Jump\(
y=\frac{1}{x} \), and \emph{from} math (the last equation is better
written as \( y=1/x \),\Jump isn't it?).  It is also possible to use unusually
high formulas, as in \( \displaystyle
\biggl(\frac{1}{x}+\frac{1}{y}\biggr)\biggl(\frac{1}{x}-\frac{1}{y}\biggr) \),
and, even in case of a\Jump jump, the spacing will be correct!

But alas, \( \displaystyle \frac{x}{y}+\frac{y}{x}=\frac{x^{2}+y^{2}}{xy} \)
\Jump fails miserably: the spacing is correct for the second half of the line,
but not for the first.  You should keep in mind this limitation.  On the other
hand,\Jump \( \displaystyle \frac{x}{y}+\frac{y}{x}=\frac{x^{2}+y^{2}}{xy} \)
works in a more or less acceptable way, as you can see.

\textbf{Main limitation:} a \texttt{JumpingParagraphs} environment cannot
contain \emph{anything} but ordinary paragraphs.
% No empty lines here!

This paragraph is outside the \texttt{JumpingParagraphs} environment.  Note 
that line spacing is correct


\EveryJumpingPar = {\textbullet\ }

We have just set \verb|\EveryJumpingPar| to contain \verb*|\textbullet\ |.  Now 
we start another \texttt{JumpingParagraphs} environment.

    $X$~misses something.
    \Jump What is $X$ missing?

    This sentence misses~$X$.
    \Jump What is missing?

    This sentence $X$ something.
    \Jump What is missing?

That's all, folks!







\def\do#1{\@ifdefinable #1{\newdimen #1}}
% the above is because \newlength allocates a \skip

% To allow customization:
\def\do#1{\@ifdefinable #1{\newtoks #1#1{}}}

\@ifdefinable\@JP@saved@par{} % just check that the name can be used
    \@JP@normal@indent \parindent
    \setbox\z@ \lastbox % get indentation box
    \@@par % return to vertical mode with an empty paragraph
        \let \@JP@next \noindent
        \let \@JP@next \indent
    % #1 <- either "\indent" or "\noindent"
    % #2 <- indentation amount
    % #3 <- tokens to insert at the beginning of the paragraph
    \@JP@prevpardepth \prevdepth
    \setbox\z@ \vbox\bgroup
        \color@begingroup % not sure it's really necessary
        \parfillskip \@flushglue
        \prevdepth \@JP@prevpardepth
        {\parindent #2#1#3}%
        \global \dimen@i \prevdepth
    \prevdepth \dimen@i % for the moment
    \setbox\z@ \vbox{%
        \setbox\z@ \lastbox % note that "\indent\par" yields at least one box
        \global \setbox\@ne \hbox{\unhbox\z@}%
        \global \skip\@ne \lastskip % should be -- finger crossed! -- the 
                                    % interline glue above the last box
        \unskip \unpenalty % remove interline glue and widow penalty
        \setbox\z@ \lastbox % if non-void, assume it is penultimate line
        \global \dimen@i \ifvoid\z@
    \ifdim \wd\@ne<\JumpIndentation
        % backspace vertically by one line
        % Note: no "\parskip" glue is added in internal vertical mode when the
        %       current list is empty, so we don't need to compensate for it!
        \skip@ \skip\@ne
        \advance \skip@ \ht\@ne
        \advance \skip@ \dp\@ne
        \vskip -\skip@
        \prevdepth \dimen@i
        \dimen@   \ht\@ne
        \dimen@ii \dp\@ne
        \prevdepth \dp\@ne
        \dimen@   \z@
        \dimen@ii \z@
        % It was trivial to fix this one!
        \vrule \@width\z@ \@height\dimen@ \@depth\dimen@ii \relax
        % Now "\relax" is no longer necessary, actually.


\setlength{\JumpIndentation}{.57\textwidth} % set as desired


Let's begin with an ordinary paragraph.



% Empty lines are now allowed here.

Now a ``jumping paragraph''.
\Jump Regrettably,\hfil\verb|Overfull \hbox|'es might occur: this is almost
inevitable, given the fact that a line containing a ``jump'' places a double
constraint on the choice of the breakpoints.

% Multiple blank lines in the input are now handled correctly:

Another ordinary (\emph{i.e.}, ``non-jumping'') paragraph in between, consisting
of at least two lines of text.  Note that it occurs \emph{within} a 
\texttt{JumpingParagraphs} environment.

Note that all ``jump'' positions\Jump are vertically aligned, as required.

If the horizontal position to jump to has already been passed,\Jump the
\verb|\Jump| commands jumps to the next line, as required too.

Let's try, this time, to get aaaaalmost to\Jump the point!  Now we try again, 
with just one more~``a''.

Let's try, this time, to get aaaaaalmost to\Jump the point!  Are you satisfied?

\EveryJumpingPar = {\textbullet\ }

Moreover, you can use the token register \verb|\EveryJumpingPar| to customize 
the appearance of\Jump your ``jumping paragraphs''.

\EveryJump = {\textasteriskcentered\ }

In the same way, the \verb|\EveryJump| tokens\Jump are inserted each time a
\verb|\Jump| command\Jump is executed, as it is exemplified by this same\Jump

These token registers can now also be set inside the \texttt{JumpingParagraphs}
environment itself.

\EveryJumpingPar = {}
\EveryJump = {}

The \verb|\Jump| command can also be used\Jump several times\Jump within a
single paragraph.  And in-line mathematics (say, \( y=\sin(x) \)) may\Jump
occur, too.  As it is quite obvious, you can both jump \emph{to} math\Jump\(
y=\frac{1}{x} \), and \emph{from} math (the last equation is better
written as \( y=1/x \),\Jump isn't it?).  It is also possible to use unusually
high formulas, as in \( \displaystyle
\biggl(\frac{1}{x}+\frac{1}{y}\biggr)\biggl(\frac{1}{x}-\frac{1}{y}\biggr) \),
and, even in case of a\Jump jump, the spacing will be correct!

And now, also \( \displaystyle \frac{x}{y}+\frac{y}{x}=\frac{x^{2}+y^{2}}{xy} \)
\rlap{\color{subdued}sminnief}\Jump functions with absolute perfection: line
spacing is correct both for the first half of the line and for the second one.
On the other hand,\Jump \( \displaystyle
\frac{x}{y}+\frac{y}{x}=\frac{x^{2}+y^{2}}{xy} \) works in a less satisfactory
way, as you can see.  You should keep in mind this limitation.

\textbf{Main limitation:} a \texttt{JumpingParagraphs} environment cannot
contain \emph{anything} but ordinary paragraphs.

\noindent Note that \verb|\noindent| commands\Jump \emph{are} honored: indeed,
this has now been corrected (in an update).



Also, \verb|\parindent| may now vary\Jump from one paragraph\Jump to another:
I~had completely overlooked this in the previous versions!

Another paragraph with the same\Jump different indentation.


Back to previous indentation,\Jump with a jump.

One last paragraph without jumps.

% Empty lines are now allowed here.


This paragraph is outside the \texttt{JumpingParagraphs} environment.  Note 
that line spacing is correct.


\renewcommand*{\thesentence}{{\normalfont (\textit{\alph{sentence}})}}
\EveryJumpingPar = {\refstepcounter{sentence}\llap{\thesentence\ }}
\EveryJump = {\textbullet\ }

We have just set \verb|\EveryJumpingPar| to contain a numbered label, which is
automatically stepped, and \verb|\EveryJump| to contain \verb*|\textbullet\ |.
Now we start another \texttt{JumpingParagraphs} environment.


    $X$~misses something.
    \Jump What is $X$ missing?

    This sentence misses~$X$.
    \Jump What is missing?

    This sentence $X$ something.
    \Jump What is missing?

    Now, get close to the jump destination...
    \Jump to be sure that the baselines are lined up properly.

That's all, folks!



3/4 次近似的输出

采用的解决方案zref-savepos确实比这更灵活;但是,我认为展示如何完全使用好的“纯 TeX 风格”方法实现目标可能会很有趣:不依赖于当时\pdfsavepos操作的和相关原语\shipout,不需要两遍编译,只需要使用盒子和胶水就可以了。




\setlength{\jumplength}{20em} % adjust manually

\jumping{This paragraph horizontally jumps}\textbullet\ at some point
for some reason. The rest of the text can span other the next lines.

\jumping{This paragraph wants its jump to land}\textbullet\ exactly at  
the same absolute horizontal position as the jump from the above paragraph.

\jumping{~}\textbullet\ jumping directly to the point is also an option.


为了准确起见,Heiko 的第二个答案应该是

My friends invited X to the party.%


