我需要在括号 [] 内使用 \onslide 和 \underbrace,并将其提升到指数。但是,当我使用 \onslide 时,指数无法正确显示。有办法解决这个问题吗?下面是使用和不使用 \onslide 的比较代码。
\left[ \underbrace{A}_{Text} + B \right]^{C} % Works: Power C correctly displayed
\\ \\
\left[ \onslide<1> \underbrace{A}_{Text} + B \right]^{C} % Does not work: Power C not correctly displayed
作为本杰明指出,可以使用以下方法实现指数的正确放置和括号内的一致间距Henry DeYoung 对“Beamer alt 命令类似于可见,而不是仅类似于”的回答:
% Beamer alt command like visible instead of like only (answer by Henry DeYoung)
% (https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/63559)
% Detect mode. mathpalette is used to detect the used math style
% Un-brace the second argument (required because \mathpalette reads the three arguments as one
% Set the two arguments in boxes. The math style is given by #1. \m@th sets \mathsurround to 0.
\setbox\z@ \hbox{$\m@th #1{#3}$}%
\setbox\@ne\hbox{$\m@th #1{#4}$}%
% Un-brace the argument
% Set the two arguments into normal boxes
\sbox\z@ {#2}%
% Place one of the two boxes using \rlap and place a \phantom box with the maximum of the two boxes
\left[ \Alt<1>[c]{\underbrace{\only<*>{A}}_{Text}}{A} + B \right]^{C}