我知道以前有人问过这类问题,但我仍然对论文中章节和小节的编号感到困惑。我有以下 MWE:
{\bf \underline{List of Abbreviations used in the thesis}}\\
ECM \quad \quad\quad\quad\quad Elliptic Curve Method
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Abbreviations}
在章节简介中,我有以下 MWE:
In the first section of this chapter,...
\section{Elliptic Curves}
One of the major problems of...
\subsection{Curves of genus zero}
An important..
\subsection{Curves of genus one}
An elliptic..
\subsection{Curves of higher genus}
\section{Literature review}
1. Introduction
1.1 Elliptic curves
1.1.1 Curves of genus zero
1.1.2 Curves of genus one
1.1.3 Curves of higher genus
1.2 Literature review
我采用了 OP 的“MWE”,删除了错误和弃用的语法部分,并添加了(然而是众多方法之一)以提供List Of Abbreviations
但是,编号是预期的,不像 OP 的屏幕截图那样。
\newacronym{ecm}{ECM}{Elliptic Curve Method}
\printnoidxglossary[type=acronym,title={List of Abbreviations used in the thesis},toctitle={List of Abbreviations}]
%% This is wrong/deprecated
%{\bf \underline{List of Abbreviations used in the thesis}}\\
%ECM \quad \quad\quad\quad\quad Elliptic Curve Method
%\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Abbreviations}
%\setcounter{page}{1} % Not necessary, since `\pagenumbering{arabic} sets the page counter always to 1
\section{Elliptic Curves}
One of the major problems of \gls{ecm}
\subsection{Curves of genus zero}
An important..
\subsection{Curves of genus one}
An elliptic..
\subsection{Curves of higher genus}
\section{Literature review}