由于 xparse 和 \newenvironment 导致的奇怪错误消息

由于 xparse 和 \newenvironment 导致的奇怪错误消息


! Incomplete \ifcase; all text was ignored after line 256.
<inserted text> 
l.256       \foo[
             0]{|>I>-:a:c.-:a:c:c b|}\\




\tikzset{external/system call={pdflatex \tikzexternalcheckshellescape -halt-on-error -interaction=batchmode -jobname "\image" "\texsource"}} 
\tikzexternalize[prefix=figures/cache/] %,up to date check=md5]

% Colors
\tikzfading[name=fade down, top color=transparent!0, bottom color=transparent!100]
\tikzfading[name=fade up, top color=transparent!100, bottom color=transparent!0]


% Graph environments
% need to use environ package to work with externalizing tikz for caching
%expand body command exactly once, then take md5 sum from it
\tikzsetnextfilename{\pdfmdfivesum{\expandafter\detokenize\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{\csname BODY\endcsname}}}%
  tape/.style = {fill = tape, draw = tape, line width=\dx\ts, align = center, rounded corners=.1\ts},
  debug/.style = {fill = none, draw = none},
  quantum/.style = {fill = quantum, draw = quantum, line width=\dx\ts, align = center, rounded corners=.1\ts},
  transition/.style = {fill = transition, draw=none, line width=\dx\ts},
  line width=.08\ts,
  baseline = #1,
      \draw[tape] (0,0) rectangle (\thetx+\thetx*\dx-\dx,1);
      \draw[debug] (current bounding box.north east) rectangle (current bounding  box.south west);

% Tape symbol macro
\DeclareDocumentCommand \defcharcode { m O{} O{} m }{
    \begin{scope}[shift={(\thetx + \thetx*\dx,0)}]
      \draw[debug] (0,0) rectangle (\ta\ts,\ts);
\DeclareDocumentCommand \inputinkscape{ m O{.01} }{
  \begin{scope}[x=#2\ts,y=#2\ts,yscale=-1,shift={(0,-\ts)}]%have to give explicit units here

% transition and penalty markers
  \draw[transition, path fading=fade up] (-\dx,-.2) rectangle (1+\dx,.3);
  \draw[transition, path fading=fade down] (-\dx,.7) rectangle (1+\dx,1.2);
    \draw[quantum] (0,0) rectangle (\ta\ts,\ts);
    \draw[quantum] (0,0) rectangle (2*\ta\ts+6*\dx,\ts);
% rhombus
  \draw[#1] (.1,.5) -- (.5,.8) -- (.9,.5) -- (.5,.2) -- cycle;

% symbols
  \draw[double=tape] (.5,0) -- (.5,1);
  \draw[decorate, decoration={coil, aspect=0, amplitude=.04cm, segment length=0.07cm}] (.5,0) -- (.5,1);
  \draw[line width=1.5*\dx\ts,black] (.5,0) -- (.5,1);
  \draw[rounded corners=.2] (.1,.1) rectangle (.9,.9);
  \draw[rounded corners=.2,fill=black] (.05,.05) rectangle (.95,.95);
    \node[text centered,text height=5,scale=.7,white] at (.5,.4) {\textbf{\textup{T}}};
    \node[text centered,text height=5,scale=.7,white] at (.5,.4) {\textbf{\textup{U}}};
    \node[text centered,text height=5,scale=.7,white] at (.5,.4) {\textbf{\textup{A}}};
    \node[text centered,text height=5,scale=.7,white] at (.5,.4) {\textbf{\textup{H}}};
    \node[text centered,text height=5,scale=.7,white] at (.5,.4) {\textbf{\textup{S}}};
    \node[text centered,text depth=1,white] at (.5,.4) {$#1$};
  \fill (.33,.5) circle [radius=.1];
  \fill (1,.5) circle [radius=.1];
  \fill (1.66,.5) circle [radius=.1];
  \draw[fill,rounded corners=.2] (.1,0) -- (.1,1) -- (1,.5) -- cycle;
  \begin{scope}[line width=1,white,line cap=round]
    \draw (0.2,.5) -- (0.7,.5);
    \draw (0.45,.25) -- (.45,.75);
  \draw[fill,rounded corners=.2] (.1,0) -- (.1,1) -- (1,.5) -- cycle;
  \draw[rounded corners=.2] (.1,0) -- (.1,1) -- (1,.5) -- cycle;
  \draw[rounded corners=.2] (.1,0) -- (.1,1) -- (1,.5) -- cycle;
  \draw[rounded corners=.2] (.3,.3) -- (.3,.7) -- (.65,.5) -- cycle;
    \draw[rounded corners=.2] (.9,0) -- (0,.5) -- (.9,1) -- cycle;    
    \draw[fill, rounded corners=.2] (.9,0) -- (0,.5) -- (.9,1) -- cycle;    
    \node[text centered,text height=5,scale=.7] at (.5,.35) {\textbf{\textup{T}}};
    \node[text centered,text height=5,scale=.7] at (.5,.35) {\textbf{\textup{U}}};
    \node[text centered,text height=5,scale=.7] at (.5,.35) {\textbf{\textup{A}}};
    \node[text centered,text height=5,scale=.7] at (.5,.35) {\textbf{\textup{H}}};
    \node[text centered,text height=5,scale=.7] at (.5,.35) {\textbf{\textup{S}}};
    \node[text centered,text height=5] at (.5,.4) {$#1$};
  \node[text centered,text height=5,text depth=-0.2] at (.6,.4) {$\dot{#1}$};
    \node[text centered,text height=5,text depth=-0.2] at (.6,.4) {$\ddot{#1}$};
    \node[text centered,text height=5,text depth=-0.2] at (.6,.4) {$\vec{#1}$};
  \draw[fill = black] (0,0) -- (0,1) -- (.6,1) -- (1,.5) -- (.6,0) -- cycle;
    \node[text centered,text height=5,scale=.7,white] at (.4,.4) {\textbf{\textup{T}}};
    \node[text centered,text height=5,scale=.7,white] at (.4,.4) {\textbf{\textup{U}}};
    \node[text centered,text height=5,scale=.7,white] at (.4,.4) {\textbf{\textup{A}}};
    \node[text centered,text height=5,scale=.7,white] at (.4,.4) {\textbf{\textup{H}}};
    \node[text centered,text height=5,scale=.7,white] at (.4,.4) {\textbf{\textup{S}}};
    \node[text centered,text height=5,white] at (.4,.4) {$#1$};
  \draw (.1,.6) -- (.5,.9) -- (.9,.6);
  \draw (.1,.4) -- (.5,.1) -- (.9,.4);

% tape macro
\DeclareDocumentCommand \foo { O{0} m } {%
    \draw[debug] (-#1-#1*\dx-\dx,0) -- (0,1);



        \foo[0]{|>I>-:a:c.-:a:c:c b|}\\








\DeclareExpandableDocumentCommand\foo{ O{0} m } {%

