我正在尝试寻找一种回忆录章节样式,使我将图像导入章节,例如使用撒切尔章节样式 - 但图像位于每个章节的中心,并保留所选的章节样式。
\renewcommand{\printchaptername}{}% suppress "Chapter" from heading
\renewcommand*{\printchapternum}{}% suppress numbering from heading
\renewcommand*{\chaptitlefont}{\normalfont\bfseries\LARGE\centering}% title formatting
\centering\includegraphics[width=2in]{ctanlion}\vskip1em}% add the image and some additional vertical spacing (1em) between the image and the title
\setlength\beforechapskip{-10pt}% adjust vertical space before the image
\setlength\afterchapskip{30pt}% adjust vertical space after the title
\chapter{Test Chapter}
\renewcommand{\printchaptername}{}% suppress "Chapter" from heading
\renewcommand*{\printchapternum}{}% suppress numbering from heading
\renewcommand*{\chaptitlefont}{\normalfont\bfseries\LARGE\centering}% title formatting
\centering\chapterimage\vskip1em}% add the image and some additional vertical spacing (1em) between the image and the title
\setlength\beforechapskip{-10pt}% adjust vertical space before the image
\setlength\afterchapskip{30pt}% adjust vertical space after the title
% Redefinition of \chapter; now it has an additional mandatory argument
% for the name of the image file to be used for each chapter
\chapter{example-image-a}{Test chapter one}
\chapter{example-image-b}{Test chapter two}
\documentclass[12pt,msmallroyalvopaper, openany]{memoir}
% usage: \setimage{<image file name>}
\renewcommand*{\chapterheadstart}{}% <-- this is the command to redefine, but we delay it so it doesn't print an image on the \tableofcontents page
\centerline{\chapnumfont{\@chapapp\ \thechapter}}}
\vphantom{\chapnumfont \@chapapp 1}\par
\centering \chaptitlefont\MakeTextUppercase{##1}}}
% To avoid conflicting with \tableofcontents, we delay the image
% commands until here
% Note: the lines surrounding the \edef line are the 'formatting'
\chapter*{Starred Chapter}
\chapter[1-OPT]{Chapter Using 1 Optional Argument}
\chapter[2-OPT][2-OPTIONAL]{Chapter Using 2 Optional Arguments}
\setimage(<label>)[<image file>][<caption>]
严格来说,所有参数都是可选的,但第二个命令只是“可选的”,因为不使用三种类型的括号(即,not \setimage(){}[]
author = {Doody, Terrence},
title = {Hemingway's Style and {Jake's} Narration},
year = 1974,
volume = 4,
number = 3,
pages = {212-225},
journal = {The Journal of Narrative Technique},
\documentclass[msmallroyalvopaper, openany]{memoir}
\usepackage{lipsum,mwe, capt-of}
{% usage: \setimage(<label>)[<image file>][<caption>]
% \renewcommand*{\chapterheadstart}{}
\ifnocaption \else
\centerline{\chapnumfont{\@chapapp\ \thechapter}}}
\vphantom{\chapnumfont \@chapapp 1}\par
\centering \chaptitlefont\MakeTextUppercase{##1}}}
% Should only include entries for:
% - example-image
% - example-image-b
\setimage(fig:no)[example-image][No Letter]% all 3 args present
\chapter*{Image with 3 Arguments}
\setimage(fig:a)[example-image-a]% no \caption; not in LOF
\chapter[1-OPT]{Image with label, no caption}
\setimage()[example-image-b][The Letter B]% no \label; note: 'empty' \label
\chapter[2-OPT][2-OPTIONAL]{Image with cpation, no label }
\setimage[example-image-c]% only the image; not in LOF
\chapter{Only Image}
\verb|\ref{fig:no}| (defined) $\to$ \ref{fig:no}\par
\verb|\ref{fig:a}| (defined) $\to$ \ref{fig:a}\par
\verb|\ref{fig:b}| (undefined) $\to$ \ref{fig:b}\par
\verb|\ref{fig:c}| (undefined) $\to$ \ref{fig:c}\par
\noimagetrue % <-- probably better to use \ImagesOff, but this works too