




\textbf{Hazard ID} & {\textbf{Hazard}}   & {\textbf{Incident/Event}}    & {\textbf{Potential Consequences/Impacts}}                                             & {\textbf{Potential Causes}}                   & {\textbf{Mitigation and Prevention Measures}} & \textbf{Potential Offsite Impact?} & \textbf{Qualitative Risk}      & {\textbf{Comments}}                                                                         \\ \hline
1.1                & Failure to generate safe path          & USV does not avoid the obstacle                 & USV attempts to navigate in the environment, results in collusion with the obstacle                      & Failed obstacle avoidance module               & Statedog, N-Version Programming                                  & Yes                                & \cellcolor[HTML]{FE0000}High   & Problem can be either the VFH* component, or the estimation of the obstacle position by the COLREGs component.                      \\ \hline
1.2                & Failure to provide desired manoeuvre   & USV does not provide the necessary acceleration & USV attempts to avoid the obstacle, cannot manoeuvre as expected, results in collusion with the obstacle & Failed sensor; Corrupted sensor data           & Redundant \& Diverse Sensors                                     & Yes                                & \cellcolor[HTML]{FE0000}High   & A problem possibly rooted within the sensors and/or controllers.                                                                    \\ \hline
2.1                & Failure to detect the inbound obstacle & USV does not map the obstacle                   & USV sails as there was nothing on its way, results in collusion with the obstacle                        & Failed detection algorithm                     & Statedog, Recovery Blocks                                        & Yes                                & \cellcolor[HTML]{FE0000}High   & A problem possibly rooted within the detection algorithm.                                                                           \\ \hline
2.2                & Failure to detect the inbound obstacle & USV does not map the obstacle                   & USV sails as there was nothing on its way, results in collusion with the obstacle                        & Failed sensor; Corrupted sensor data           & Redundant \& Diverse Sensors                                     & Yes                                & \cellcolor[HTML]{FE0000}High   & A problem possibly rooted within the sensors (Camera, Radar, AIS).                                                                  \\ \hline
3.1                & Failure to move                        & USV does not accelerate                         & USV attempts to navigate in the environment, results in getting stuck on the initial position            & Failed llstack initiation priority protocol    & Statedog                                                         & No                                 & \cellcolor[HTML]{F8FF00}Medium & A problem possibly rooted within the llstack start-up procedure.                                                                    \\ \hline
3.2                & Failure to arrive to the destination   & USV does not stop at the desired goal point     & USV skips the destination, stops somewhere else and/or keeps going                                       & Failed preferenceStore data transmission       & Redundant Data Diversity                                         & No                                 & \cellcolor[HTML]{F8FF00}Medium & A problem where preferenceStore either gets started too late or transmits corrupted data, leading navigational errors.              \\ \hline
3.3                & Failure to sail normally               & USV acts abnormally, sails unexpectedly         & USV sails abnormally, deviates from the route.                                                           & Failed Mediator component                      & Statedog                                                         & Yes                                & \cellcolor[HTML]{32CB00}Low    & A problem where Mediator somehow fails to compare the results from other Mediators, therefore passing the commands without a check. \\ \hline
\caption{Preliminary Hazard Analysis for the Software of USV Roboship}







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\textbf{Hazard ID} & {\textbf{Hazard}}   & {\textbf{Incident/Event}}    & {\textbf{Potential Consequences/Impacts}}                                             & {\textbf{Potential Causes}}                   & {\textbf{Mitigation and Prevention Measures}} & \textbf{Potential Offsite Impact?} & \textbf{Qualitative Risk}      & {\textbf{Comments}}                                                                         \\ \hline
1.1                & Failure to generate safe path          & USV does not avoid the obstacle                 & USV attempts to navigate in the environment, results in collusion with the obstacle                      & Failed obstacle avoidance module               & Statedog, N-Version Programming                                  & Yes                                & \cellcolor[HTML]{FE0000}High   & Problem can be either the VFH* component, or the estimation of the obstacle position by the COLREGs component.                      \\ \hline
1.2                & Failure to provide desired manoeuvre   & USV does not provide the necessary acceleration & USV attempts to avoid the obstacle, cannot manoeuvre as expected, results in collusion with the obstacle & Failed sensor; Corrupted sensor data           & Redundant \& Diverse Sensors                                     & Yes                                & \cellcolor[HTML]{FE0000}High   & A problem possibly rooted within the sensors and/or controllers.                                                                    \\ \hline
2.1                & Failure to detect the inbound obstacle & USV does not map the obstacle                   & USV sails as there was nothing on its way, results in collusion with the obstacle                        & Failed detection algorithm                     & Statedog, Recovery Blocks                                        & Yes                                & \cellcolor[HTML]{FE0000}High   & A problem possibly rooted within the detection algorithm.                                                                           \\ \hline
2.2                & Failure to detect the inbound obstacle & USV does not map the obstacle                   & USV sails as there was nothing on its way, results in collusion with the obstacle                        & Failed sensor; Corrupted sensor data           & Redundant \& Diverse Sensors                                     & Yes                                & \cellcolor[HTML]{FE0000}High   & A problem possibly rooted within the sensors (Camera, Radar, AIS).                                                                  \\ \hline
3.1                & Failure to move                        & USV does not accelerate                         & USV attempts to navigate in the environment, results in getting stuck on the initial position            & Failed llstack initiation priority protocol    & Statedog                                                         & No                                 & \cellcolor[HTML]{F8FF00}Medium & A problem possibly rooted within the llstack start-up procedure.                                                                    \\ \hline
3.2                & Failure to arrive to the destination   & USV does not stop at the desired goal point     & USV skips the destination, stops somewhere else and/or keeps going                                       & Failed preferenceStore data transmission       & Redundant Data Diversity                                         & No                                 & \cellcolor[HTML]{F8FF00}Medium & A problem where preferenceStore either gets started too late or transmits corrupted data, leading navigational errors.              \\ \hline
3.3                & Failure to sail normally               & USV acts abnormally, sails unexpectedly         & USV sails abnormally, deviates from the route.                                                           & Failed Mediator component                      & Statedog                                                         & Yes                                & \cellcolor[HTML]{32CB00}Low    & A problem where Mediator somehow fails to compare the results from other Mediators, therefore passing the commands without a check. \\ \hline
\caption{Preliminary Hazard Analysis for the Software of USV Roboship}


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\caption{Preliminary Hazard Analysis for the Software of USV Roboship\label{my-label}} \\
\textbf{Hazard ID} & {\textbf{Hazard}}   & {\textbf{Incident/Event}}    & {\textbf{Potential Consequences/Impacts}}                                             & {\textbf{Potential Causes}}                   & {\textbf{Mitigation and Prevention Measures}} & \textbf{Potential Offsite Impact?} & \textbf{Qualitative Risk}      & {\textbf{Comments}}                                                                         \\ \hline
1.1                & Failure to generate safe path          & USV does not avoid the obstacle                 & USV attempts to navigate in the environment, results in collusion with the obstacle                      & Failed obstacle avoidance module               & Statedog, N-Version Programming                                  & Yes                                & \cellcolor[HTML]{FE0000}High   & Problem can be either the VFH* component, or the estimation of the obstacle position by the COLREGs component.                      \\ \hline
1.2                & Failure to provide desired manoeuvre   & USV does not provide the necessary acceleration & USV attempts to avoid the obstacle, cannot manoeuvre as expected, results in collusion with the obstacle & Failed sensor; Corrupted sensor data           & Redundant \& Diverse Sensors                                     & Yes                                & \cellcolor[HTML]{FE0000}High   & A problem possibly rooted within the sensors and/or controllers.                                                                    \\ \hline
2.1                & Failure to detect the inbound obstacle & USV does not map the obstacle                   & USV sails as there was nothing on its way, results in collusion with the obstacle                        & Failed detection algorithm                     & Statedog, Recovery Blocks                                        & Yes                                & \cellcolor[HTML]{FE0000}High   & A problem possibly rooted within the detection algorithm.                                                                           \\ \hline
2.2                & Failure to detect the inbound obstacle & USV does not map the obstacle                   & USV sails as there was nothing on its way, results in collusion with the obstacle                        & Failed sensor; Corrupted sensor data           & Redundant \& Diverse Sensors                                     & Yes                                & \cellcolor[HTML]{FE0000}High   & A problem possibly rooted within the sensors (Camera, Radar, AIS).                                                                  \\ \hline
3.1                & Failure to move                        & USV does not accelerate                         & USV attempts to navigate in the environment, results in getting stuck on the initial position            & Failed llstack initiation priority protocol    & Statedog                                                         & No                                 & \cellcolor[HTML]{F8FF00}Medium & A problem possibly rooted within the llstack start-up procedure.                                                                    \\ \hline
3.2                & Failure to arrive to the destination   & USV does not stop at the desired goal point     & USV skips the destination, stops somewhere else and/or keeps going                                       & Failed preferenceStore data transmission       & Redundant Data Diversity                                         & No                                 & \cellcolor[HTML]{F8FF00}Medium & A problem where preferenceStore either gets started too late or transmits corrupted data, leading navigational errors.              \\ \hline
3.3                & Failure to sail normally               & USV acts abnormally, sails unexpectedly         & USV sails abnormally, deviates from the route.                                                           & Failed Mediator component                      & Statedog                                                         & Yes                                & \cellcolor[HTML]{32CB00}Low    & A problem where Mediator somehow fails to compare the results from other Mediators, therefore passing the commands without a check. \\ \hline

