- 如果作者被列入最后的学术简介中,那么对其作品的任何引用都必须参考其学术简介中相应的出版物清单。
每个部分后面的参考书目都可以轻松地使用 refsections 来完成。但是,如何才能让某些出版物的引用在最后引用各自的出版物列表呢?
以下是 MWE:
author = {Not Me},
title = {Something relevant A},
year = {2015},
author = {Not Me},
title = {Something relevant B},
year = {2016},
keywords = {byMyself},
author = {My Self},
title = {Something relevant},
year = {2016},
\hypersetup{urlcolor=blue, citecolor=blue, linkcolor=blue}
\section{Example section}
Here is an example section including multiple citations like
\cite{notMyWorkA}, \cite{notMyWorkB} and \cite{myWork}.
At the end of the section, there is a list of references.
However, this list should not contain my own publications,
which are supposed to be separately listed.
\printbibliography[notkeyword=byMyself, heading=none]
\section{Academic profile of myself}
Here is an academic profile of myself including a description of my work,
also with various citations such as \cite{notMyWorkA} and \cite{myWork}.
At the end, there is a list of references that appeared in this section.
This list is supposed to distinguishes between publications of other people
and that of my own. Any citation to my publications should refer to here.
\printbibliography[notkeyword=byMyself, heading=none]
\subsection*{My publications}
\printbibliography[keyword=byMyself, heading=none]