


\documentclass[a4paper,11pt, oldfontcommands]{memoir}
\usepackage[english, frenchb]{babel}
%%% code from
% conditional for xetex or luatex
  \usepackage{libertine} % or use \setmainfont to choose any font on your system
  \newfontfamily\quotefont[Ligatures=TeX]{Linux Libertine O} % selects Libertine as the quote font
  \usepackage{libertine} % or any other font package
  \newcommand*\quotefont{\fontfamily{LinuxLibertineT-LF}} % selects Libertine as the quote font

\newcommand*\quotesize{40} % if quote size changes, need a way to make shifts relative
% Make commands for the quotes
   {\tikz[remember picture,overlay,xshift=-4ex,yshift=-2.5ex]
   \node (OQ) {\quotefont\fontsize{\quotesize}    {\quotesize}\selectfont``};\kern0pt}

  {\tikz[remember picture,overlay,xshift=4ex,yshift={#1}]
   \node (CQ) {\quotefont\fontsize{\quotesize}{\quotesize}\selectfont''};}

% select a colour for the shading

\newcommand*\shadedauthorformat{\emph} % define format for the author argument

% Now a command to allow left, right and centre alignment of the author
      \else\typeout{Invalid option}
% wrap everything in its own environment which takes one argument (author) and one optional argument
% specifying the alignment [l, r or c]

%%% use shadequote environment 

   % \begingroup
% \endgroup

\textbf{-- i want the box  HERE -- !!!!}
\myquotes{author, date}{some text}
\setcounter{secnumdepth}{4} % 
\part{Part 1} % 

在输出 PDF 中,框始终位于文本后面(在我的报告中,它始终位于章节底部)。我该如何修复此问题。



\myquotes{author, date}{some text}


\documentclass[a4paper,11pt, oldfontcommands]{memoir}
\usepackage[english, frenchb]{babel}
%%% code from
% conditional for xetex or luatex
  \usepackage{libertine} % or use \setmainfont to choose any font on your system
  \newfontfamily\quotefont[Ligatures=TeX]{Linux Libertine O} % selects Libertine as the quote font
  \usepackage{libertine} % or any other font package
  \newcommand*\quotefont{\fontfamily{LinuxLibertineT-LF}} % selects Libertine as the quote font

\newcommand*\quotesize{40} % if quote size changes, need a way to make shifts relative
% Make commands for the quotes
   {\tikz[remember picture,overlay,xshift=-4ex,yshift=-2.5ex]
   \node (OQ) {\quotefont\fontsize{\quotesize}    {\quotesize}\selectfont``};\kern0pt}

  {\tikz[remember picture,overlay,xshift=4ex,yshift={#1}]
   \node (CQ) {\quotefont\fontsize{\quotesize}{\quotesize}\selectfont''};}

% select a colour for the shading

\newcommand*\shadedauthorformat{\emph} % define format for the author argument

% Now a command to allow left, right and centre alignment of the author
      \else\typeout{Invalid option}
% wrap everything in its own environment which takes one argument (author) and one optional argument
% specifying the alignment [l, r or c]

%%% use shadequote environment 

   % \begingroup
% \endgroup

\textbf{-- i want the box  HERE -- !!!!}

\myquotes{author, date}{some text}
\setcounter{secnumdepth}{4} % 
\part{Part 1} % 
