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\item We divided the procedure of solving the system of ODE into two main parts:
\item Estimating values for the parameters $\alpha, \beta, \gamma$ using linear regression and the empirical data we have
\item Empirical data is provided in the form of an $n$-by-4 matrix with coefficients $(t,P,S,Q)$
\item Finding the general solution to the system of ODE that accepts $\alpha, \beta, \gamma$ as its parameters
\item Remove independent variable $t$ from first two ODE to get a new ODE in terms of $P$ and $S$
\item $\frac{dP}{dS} = \frac{P(-\alpha S -\gamma)}{S(\alpha P - (\beta + \gamma))}$
\item Final equation: $\alpha (P+S) - \beta + \gamma \ln{\abs{P}} + \gamma \ln{\abs{S}} + C (*)$
\item Next, by summing all three ODE, we get: $\frac{(P+S+Q)}{dt} = -\gamma (P+S+Q)$
\item Integrating both side: $(P+S+Q) = K $e$^{-\gamma t} (**)$
\caption{Plot of $P(t)$, $S(t)$ and $Q(t)$ against $t$}
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