再次,我遇到了宏问题。它几乎可以正常工作。我花了很多时间在 Google 上搜索\expandafter
%%%Liederbuch. This works!!!
\noexpand\newcommand{\csname LH#1\endcsname}[2]{
%The problem starts in the following Environ:
%If I replace `##1` and `##2` with constants, it works, but therefore it fails the basic intention of this effort.
%To see, what should happen, have a look at `\begin{document}`
%%%Lied. This doesn't work!!!
\ifnum\numexpr#2=\numexpr##2 % ##2 doesn't work; i.e. "1" instead of ##2 works
\ifnum\pdfstrcmp{#1}{##1}=0 % ##1 doesn't work; same as above
\makeatother %residual of some tries with xdef and \aftergroup
%Apparently, the following code is super clean. That is the basic idea.
% This is a Liederbuch
Song 1 par t
Song 2 par n
% LHsong calls "the environment" This works!!!
\csname LH#2\endcsname[#1]{#3}
%This should produce Song 1 par t
%This shouldn't produce anything
%This should produce Song 2 par n
%This shouldn't produce anything
%This should also produce Song 1 par t
Liederbuch 扩展为以下代码,但不属于我的代码
% it expands to: %not part of the code
\newcommand{\csname LHsongbook\endcsname}[2]{
%Lied 1
\ifnum1=\numexpr##2 %\numexpr#2 expanded to 1; ##2 should be par2 of newcommand
\ifnum\pdfstrcmp{t}{##1}=0 %#1 expanded to t
Song 1 par t
%Lied 2 - same here different values
Song 2 par n
我从我的另一个问题中偷来了 Liederbuch-Environ。通过将 ##x 更改为常数,可以看到此方法有效的证明。我想 Lied 应该看起来类似,但我不知道如何。
目的是让环境 Liederbuch 创建一个 [可能一系列] 自定义 Lied 环境,其中如果参数符合某些规范,则 \LHsong 的调用将产生来自 Lied 的输出。
\NewEnviron{Lied}[2]{\csxdef{lied;\liederbuchtmp;#1;#2}{\expandonce\BODY}} % perhaps trimming spaces would be important
Song 1 par t
Song 2 par n
% This should produce Song 1 par t
% This shouldnt produce anything
% This should produce Song 2 par n
% This shouldnt produce anything
% This should also produce Song 1 par t