正如你们有些人所知道的pdfpc可让您将电影嵌入到 Beamer Latex 中。电影的默认选项是“自动启动”和“循环播放”。
% Package: textpos is required for textblock*
% fullFrameMovie
% Arguments:
% [optional]: movie-options, seperated by &
% Supported options: loop, start=N, end=N, autostart
% Default: autostart&loop
% 1. Movie file
% 2. Poster image
% 3. Any text on the slide, or nothing (e.g. {})
% Example:
% \fullFrameMovie[loop&autostart]{apollo17.avi}{apollo17.jpg}{\copyrightText{Apollo 17, NASA}}
\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=black}
% to make this work for both horizontally filled and vertically filled images, we create an absolutely
% positioned textblock* that we force to be the width of the slide.
% we then place it at (0,0), and then create a box inside of it to ensure that it's always 95% of the vertical
% height of the frame. Once we have created an absolutely positioned and sized box, it doesn't matter what
% goes inside -- it will always be vertically and horizontally centered
\vbox to 0.95\paperheight {
我该如何更改此代码以删除自动启动和循环选项,以便我只需单击一下即可播放电影,并在电影结束后再次单击播放?该代码来自 zip 文件中的 sty 文件这里
附言:我找不到一封电子邮件来联系 pdfpc 的开发人员,这就是我在这里发布问题的原因。
我认为最好的办法是摆脱 sty 文件并将重要命令放入 tex 文件中。
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{} % don't use navigation tools
\usepackage[absolute,overlay]{textpos} %needed for textblock
\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=black}
\vbox to 0.95\paperheight {
% Next command is the minimum needed. Everything else is just to keep it in the correct position.
\vfil }
文件不符合其规范。第 35 行内容为:
\fullFrameMovie[]{apollo17.avi}{apollo17.jpg}{\copyrightText{Apollo 17, NASA}}