忽略 LawTeX 引用中的括号

忽略 LawTeX 引用中的括号

LawTeX包 (这里) 包括bluebook.sty自动化法律引用。

在法律写作中,“ID。“用于重复紧接在前的引文。但有一个例外(蓝皮书规则 4.1)。在例外中,ID。当插入引文时,仍可用于指代“前面的”引文。在本文中

这是第一句。 图顿诉美国,460 US 660, 663 (1983)(引用拉尔斯顿诉罗宾逊,454 US 201,206 (1981))。这是第二句。 ID。






这是第一句。 图顿诉美国,460 US 660, 663 (1983)。这是第二句。 ID。


\usepackage[hyperindex=false,linkbordercolor=white,pdfborder={0 0 0}]{hyperref}

\citecase{Tuten v. United States, 460 U.S. 660 (1983)}
\citecase{Ralston v. Robinson, 454 U.S. 201 (1981)}


Here's sentence one.  \pincite{Tuten}{663}.  
Here's sentence two.  \pincite{Tuten}{663}.



这是第一句。 图顿诉美国,460 US 660, 663 (1983)(引用拉尔斯顿诉罗宾逊,454 US 201,206 (1981))。这是第二句。 ID。


\usepackage[hyperindex=false,linkbordercolor=white,pdfborder={0 0 0}]{hyperref}

\citecase{Tuten v. United States, 460 U.S. 660 (1983)}
\citecase{Ralston v. Robinson, 454 U.S. 201 (1981)}


Here's sentence one.  \pincite{Tuten}{663} (quoting \pincite{Ralston}{206}).  
Here's sentence two.  \pincite{Tuten}{663}.



这是第一句。 图顿诉美国,460 US 660, 663 (1983)。这是第二句。 塔顿,460 美国,663。




因此,无论如何,这意味着:(1)不可能被bluebook.sty黑客入侵,以至于它自动识别出后续引用嵌入在括号中,因此不应该弄乱同上-tracker,而无需对软件包进行彻底改造;并且 (2) 我们需要复制(并重命名)一个长达 132 行的宏,以便注释掉两个“有问题”的行。所以请耐心等待。



它取决于命令的修改形式\@bbsource,我将其称为\paren@bbsource。最终,我们需要修改的只是下面文件的第 118 行和第 120 行,我们注释掉了以下行:





\usepackage[hyperindex=false,linkbordercolor=white,pdfborder={0 0 0}]{hyperref}



%Inner command that performs the citations
% #1 is cite handle, #2 is pin or blank, #3 can include any of 'lsniIp'
    %Check that this source is defined
    \ifcsname #1@Type\endcsname%
        \errmessage{No source named #1 has been defined}
    %If user has passed "!", temporarily set autofootnote to do nothing
    %It is the case that all printing commands go through autofootnote
    %If we are going to put this in an autofootnote, we want to take out the preceeding space
    %Additionally, add a period if a '.' has been set in the flags (which means that a period followed \cite), add a period.
    %This period, if it exists, will be stored in \@Period, which is used later on
    \ifthenelse{\not \boolean{@bbLawReviewMode} \or \boolean{@bbInFootnote}}{}{\SafeUnskip}%
    %If ``n'' is provided in optional arg, force reporter and page number only (just for Cases)
        %By definition, this last cite cannot be an "id", so reset the id counter
        %Pull the volume number out of the pincite, or see if provided
        %The reason it is so messy looking is to deal with the fact that we do not want to fully expand the pincite,
        %  in case it contains formatting or other non-expandable control sequences
        \StrBetween{\@fullpin}{vol. }{, }[\@vol]%
        \edef\@fullvol{vol. \@vol, }%
        %If this authority has not been seen before, or we have not seen it in N notes, use complete form
        \ifthenelse{\boolean{#1@FirstUse} \or \boolean{@forceLong} \or%
            \( \boolean{@bbLawReviewMode} \and \( \equal{\SrcType{#1}}{Case} \or \equal{\SrcType{#1}}{Statute} \) \and
                \(  \( \not \boolean{@bbInFootnote} \and \numexpr\thefootnote-\LastNote{#1}+1\relax > \forcelongevery \) \or
                    \( \boolean{@bbInFootnote} \and \numexpr\thefootnote-\LastNote{#1}\relax > \forcelongevery \)
            \) }%
            %If this is the second occurance of this authority in a row, use Id
            \ifthenelse{\equal{\@bbLastSource}{#1} \and \not \boolean{@forceShort}%
                \and \value{@bbSequentialIds} < \maxsequentialids}
                %We only display the volume if it exists, and is DIFFERENT from the last; otw clear out
                %Choose either id/Id based on the capitalization flag
                \def\@Id{\ifthenelse{\boolean{@bbCapNextSource} \and \equal{\@vol}{}}{Id}{id}}%
                %The capitalization can be overridden based on the optional argument
                %Choose either ``at'' or just a space based on the type of authority
                %ALTERNATE: Use "at" iff the pin is numeric
                %If the exact page as well (or there is no pincite), just use id; otherwise use Id. with pin cite
                \ifthenelse{\equal{\@bbLastPinPage}{#2} \or \equal{}{#2} }
                    %{\@autofootnote{\@bbSignal\FillIn{}{\@vol}{ }\emph{\@Id}\@Period}} %I eliminated this because I found cases where there was no way to have a period after the Id.
                    {\@autofootnote{\@bbSignal\FillIn{}{\@vol}{ }\emph{\@Id\@Period}}}%
                    {\@autofootnote{\@bbSignal\FillIn{}{\@vol}{ }\emph{\@Id.}\@At\@pin\@Period}}%
                %If this is not the second-in-a-row occurence of this authority, use short form
    %Indicate that this source has been used, so subsequent uses use short form
    %This gets into the internals of ifthen.sty, basically \setboolean calls the macro \<Boolean-Variable-Name><true-or-false>
    %By default, \setboolean is local to the group; we do the following to make the change global
    %Store the last used source, as well as pinpage and volume (if present) in that source, for determining Id
    %\xdef\@bbLastSource{#1}%  <--- NOTE: THIS LINE WAS COMMENTED OUT !!!
    % \protected@xdef\@bbLastPinPage{#2}% <--- NOTE: THIS LINE WAS COMMENTED OUT !!!
    %If in law review mode, store the footnote number, so we can force long cites after 5 footnotes
    %Record this use into the index, \pagenumber is the command that will be used to format
    %Assume that we will capitalize the next Id, unless a signal word comes between
    %Make sure to restore autofootnote (in case "!" was passed in, in which case it was redefined to do nothing)

\citecase{Tuten v. United States, 460 U.S. 660 (1983)}
\citecase{Ralston v. Robinson, 454 U.S. 201 (1981)}


Here's sentence one.  \pincite{Tuten}{663} (quoting \parenpincite{Ralston}{206}).
Here's sentence two.  \pincite{Tuten}{663}. 

Here's \pincite{Ralston}{206} to reset the tracker. Here's sentence one again:  \pincite{Tuten}{663} (quoting \parenpincite{Ralston}{206}).  
Here's sentence two, showing the \verb|Id.| plus the unique pinpoint: \pincite{Tuten}{664}.


LawTeX 图片

