







\usepackage[a4paper, hmargin={2.5cm, 2.5cm}, vmargin={2.5cm, 2.5cm},bindingoffset=6mm]{geometry}


\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\footnotesize,edge from parent/.style={draw,thin}]
  % Two node styles: solid and hollow
    \tikzstyle{solid node}=[circle,draw,inner sep=1.2,fill=black];
    \tikzstyle{hollow node}=[circle,draw,inner sep=1.2];
  % Specify spacing for each level of the tree
    \tikzstyle{level 1}=[level distance=15mm,sibling distance=20mm]
    \tikzstyle{level 2}=[level distance=15mm,sibling distance=34mm]
    \tikzstyle{level 3}=[level distance=15mm,sibling distance=11mm]
  % The Tree
  \node(0)[hollow node]{}
    child{node[solid node]{}edge from parent node[left]{Not buy}}
    child{node[solid node]at +(\tikzsiblingdistance,0){}
      child{node[hollow node]{}
        edge from parent node[left]{not buy}
      child{node[hollow node]{}
        edge from parent node[right]{$P_r$}
      edge from parent node[right]{$P_c$}
    child[sibling distance=5*\tikzsiblingdistance]{node[solid node]{}
      child{node[hollow node]{}
        edge from parent node[left]{not buy}
      child{node[hollow node]{}
        edge from parent node[right]{$P_r$}
      edge from parent node[right,xshift=15]{$P_p$}
  % information sets
  \draw[rounded corners=7]($(0-2)+(-.2,.25)$)rectangle($(0-3)+(.2,-.25)$);
  % specifying movers
  \draw[draw,<-,>=latex](0)--(32:8mm)node[right,inner sep=0]{Consumers decide whether or not to buy};
  \node at ($.5*(0-2)+.5*(0-3)$) {Remaining consumers decide to buy or not};


看看以下 MWE 是否给出了您所期望的结果:

在此处输入图片描述 与您的草图相比,该图略有变化。如果您不喜欢这个,只需相应地更改同级距离并将文本写入一列即可。

\usetikzlibrary{fit}% <-- new

                   font = \footnotesize,
edge from parent/.style = {draw ,thin},
      SN/.style = {%solid node
                   circle, inner sep=1.2 ,fill=black},
      HN/.style = {%hollow node
                   circle, inner sep=1.2, draw=black,
 level distance = 15mm,
 level 1/.style = {sibling distance=42mm},
 level 2/.style = {sibling distance=21mm}
    \node (n0) [SN] {}
        child{ node (n1) [SN]  {}         
            child{node[HN]  {} 
                edge from parent node[left]{not buy}}
            child{node[HN]  {} 
                edge from parent node[right]{$P_r$}}
                edge from parent node[left]{$P_c$}
        child{ node (n2) [SN]  {} 
            child{node[HN]  {} 
                edge from parent node[left]{not buy}}            
            child{node[HN]  {}
                edge from parent node[right]{$P_r$}}
                edge from parent node[right]{$P_r$}
\node[draw, rounded corners=9pt,minimum height=7mm, align=center,
     fit=(n1) (n2),
     label={[align=center]center:Remaining consumers\\ decide to buy or not}] {};
\draw   (n0) -- node[above] {Not buy} (n1 |- n0) node[SN] {};
\draw[<-,shorten <=1pt]   
        (n0) -- + (1,1) node[right,align=left] {Consumers decide\\ 
                                                whether or not to buy};


这是您的树的 Forest 版本。Forest 的优点之一是它使用括号语法,允许您极其简洁地指定树。而且由于它是基于 TikZ 的,因此除了 Forest 的一系列功能外,您还可以使用 TikZ 的全部功能。


  [, my pin=Consumers decide whether or not to buy
    [, edge label={node [midway, above] {Not buy}}, move me]
    [, my label=$P_c$, nudge=10pt
      [, my label=not buy]
      [, my label=$P_r$]
    [Remaining consumers decide to buy or not, tikz+={%
      \node [fit=() (!p) (!n), rounded corners=1.75ex, inner ysep=0pt, draw] {};
    [, my label=$P_p$, nudge=10pt
      [, my label=not buy]
      [, my label=$P_r$]

fit库用于在树中的三个节点周围绘制圆角矩形。这些节点使用 Forest 的相对节点名称指定,!p即上一个兄弟节点和!n下一个兄弟节点。

my label是一种 Forest 样式,如果节点是其父节点的第一个子节点,则将边缘标签设置在左侧,否则设置在右侧。nudge用于树枝倾斜太缓且边缘会与标签发生冲突的情况。这被指定为样式使用的自定义 Forest 选项my label

my pin使用 Forest 的pin选项添加带箭头的标签。这是使用 TikZ 的pins 选项定制的。

move me是一种 Forest 风格,将子元素与其父元素垂直对齐。此操作在树构建的后期完成,以覆盖 Forest 自身的打包算法和计算结果。



\usepackage{forest}% version 2 or later required - tested with 2.0.3
\tikzset{% \tikzstyle is deprecated
  solid node/.style={circle,draw,inner sep=1.2,fill=black},
  hollow node/.style={circle,draw,inner sep=1.2},
  declare dimen={nudge}{0pt},
  my pin/.style={%
    pin={[inner sep=0pt, pin distance=15pt]30:#1}
  my label/.style={%
      if n=1{%
        edge label/.wrap pgfmath arg={node [midway, left, xshift=##1] {#1} }{nudge()}
        edge label/.wrap pgfmath arg={node [midway, right, xshift=##1] {#1} }{nudge()}
  move me/.style={%
    before drawing tree={%
      y/.wrap pgfmath arg={##1}{y("!u")}
  /tikz/every pin edge/.style={{Stealth[]}-},
  where level=1{%
    s sep+=50pt,
    delay={if content={}{solid node}{anchor=center,no edge}},
  }{hollow node},
  for tree={%
    l sep+=25pt,
    s sep+=5pt
  [, my pin=Consumers decide whether or not to buy
    [, edge label={node [midway, above] {Not buy}}, move me]
    [, my label=$P_c$, nudge=10pt
      [, my label=not buy]
      [, my label=$P_r$]
    [Remaining consumers decide to buy or not, tikz+={%
      \node [fit=() (!p) (!n), rounded corners=1.75ex, inner ysep=0pt, draw] {};
    [, my label=$P_p$, nudge=10pt
      [, my label=not buy]
      [, my label=$P_r$]







% tree part
  \istb*<grow=west,level distance=21mm>{Not\ buy}[a]
\xtShowEndPoints[hollow node]
  \istb{not\ buy}[l]
  \istb{not\ buy}[l]
% add some more
\xtInfosetO[solid,thin](n1)(n2){\makecell[c]{Remaining consumers\\[-1pt] decide to buy or not}}(10pt)
\draw [<-,>=latex,shorten <=2pt] (0,0) to [bend left] (32:8mm) node [right,inner sep=0] {\makecell[l]{Consumers decide\\ whether or not to buy}};

