我正在使用 tufte-book 来处理我的文档,并尝试在一个 \cite 命令中引用多个条目,但我得到的所有引用只有一个编号,而且引用一个接一个地列出,在侧注中没有编号。有什么想法可以解决这个问题吗?
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The long-range order in these materials and the interplay between their $\pi$-electronic structure and geometrical structure have given rise to a developing field of research\cite{Gershenson2006,Jurchescu2004,Su04}.
M.~E. Gershenson, V.~Podzorov, and A.~F. Morpurgo.
\newblock {Colloquium : Electronic transport in single-crystal organic
\newblock {\em Rev. Mod. Phys.}, 78(3):973--989, sep 2006.
O.~D. Jurchescu, J.~Baas, and T.~T.~M. Palstra.
\newblock {Effect of impurities on the mobility of single crystal pentacene}.
\newblock {\em Appl. Phys. Lett.}, 84(16):3061--3063, 2004.
{Sundar, V. C.}, {Zaumseil, J.}, {Podzorov, V.}, {Menard, E.}, {Willett, R.
L.}, {Someya, T.}, {Gershenson, M. E.}, and {Rogers, J. A.}
\newblock {Elastomeric transistor stamps: reversible probing of charge
transport in organic crystals.}
\newblock {\em Science}, 303(5664):1644--1646, mar 2004.
顺便说一下,我正在使用 Texmaker。
The long-range order in these materials and the interplay between their
$\pi$-electronic structure and geometrical structure have given rise to a
developing field of research.\cite{Gershenson2006}\cite{Jurchescu2004}\cite{Su04}
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