我对 origin 做了一些修改,但是没有作用。
\begin{axis}[title = Contributions per category
at LaTeX-Community.org,
y axis line style = { opacity = 0 },
axis x line = none,
tickwidth = 0pt,
enlarge y limits = 0.2,
enlarge x limits = 0.02,
symbolic y coords = {specrand, sphinx3, mcf, gcc, Distributions, Editors},
nodes near coords,
\addplot coordinates { (57727,specrand) (123, sphinx3) (2222,mcf) (5672,gcc)
(2193,Distributions) (11106,Editors) };
\legend{Topics, Posts}
Package pgfplots Error: Sorry, the input coordinate ` sphinx3' h
as not been defined with 'symbolic y coords={specrand, sphinx3, mcf, gcc, Distr
ibutions, Editors}... Maybe it has been misspelled? Or did you mean something l
ike [normalized] sphinx3?.
See the pgfplots package documentation for explanation.
Type H <return> for immediate help.
l.20 ... (2193,Distributions) (11106,Editors) };
LaTeX 语法有什么问题?谢谢。
空格。如果仔细查看错误消息,您会发现它指的是名为“ sphinx3”的符号坐标,即首先有一个空格。在 的坐标列表中,symbolic y coords
前导空格被删除,但这不会发生在 的坐标列表中\addplot
。因此,您所要做的就是将 更改(132, sphinx3)
要在数字后添加单位,请重新定义nodes near coords
,因此如果您想在数字后添加百分号,请使用nodes near coords ={\pgfmathprintnumber\pgfplotspointmeta\%}
\begin{axis}[title = Contributions per category
at LaTeX-Community.org,
y axis line style = { opacity = 0 },
ytick = data,
typeset ticklabels with strut, % improves vertical alignment of some of the ticklabels in this case (compare gcc and mcf with and without)
axis x line = none,
tickwidth = 0pt,
enlarge y limits = 0.2,
enlarge x limits = 0.02,
symbolic y coords = {specrand, sphinx3, mcf, gcc, Distributions, Editors},
nodes near coords ={\pgfmathprintnumber\pgfplotspointmeta\%},
\addplot coordinates { (57727,specrand) (123,sphinx3) (2222,mcf) (5672,gcc)
(2193,Distributions) (11106,Editors) };
\legend{Topics, Posts}