1 10 0.84 50 0.75 10 0.22 30 0.24
2 40 0.38 60 0.96 15 0.42 90 0.28
3 20 0.42 60 0.42 15 0.24 60 0.86
ybar,enlarge x limits=0.2,bar width=7pt,xtick={1,2,3,4}
\addplot table [x index=0,y index=1] {\mytable};
\addplot table [x index=0,y index=3] {\mytable};
\addplot table [x index=0,y index=5] {\mytable};
\addplot table [x index=0,y index=7] {\mytable};
% I would like to mark bars where adjacent value is greater than 0.95
% more specifically: column 2 for value 2
% I would also like to add a different mark where adjacent value is greater than 0.85 (but less than 0.95)
% more specifically: column 4 for value 3
我知道nodes near coords
这里建议使用point meta=explicit symbolic
、nodes near coords
和every node near coord/.append style
1 10 0.84 50 0.75 10 0.22 30 0.24
2 40 0.38 60 0.96 15 0.42 90 0.28
3 20 0.42 60 0.42 15 0.24 60 0.86
ybar,enlarge x limits=0.2,bar width=7pt,xtick={1,2,3,4},
point meta=explicit symbolic,
nodes near coords={
\ifdim \pgfplotspointmeta pt > 0.95pt
\ifdim \pgfplotspointmeta pt > 0.85pt
every node near coord/.append style={inner sep=0pt,anchor=center}
\addplot table [x index=0,y index=1,meta index=2] {\mytable};
\addplot table [x index=0,y index=3,meta index=4] {\mytable};
\addplot table [x index=0,y index=5,meta index=6] {\mytable};
\addplot table [x index=0,y index=7,meta index=8] {\mytable};
ybar,enlarge x limits=0.2,bar width=7pt,xtick={1,2,3,4},
point meta=explicit symbolic,
nodes near coords={
\ifdim \pgfplotspointmeta pt > 0.95pt
\ifdim \pgfplotspointmeta pt > 0.85pt