我有两个直角三角形的图 - 一个内接于另一个。我有y
\noindent \hspace*{\fill}
%$\triangle{POQ}$ is a right triangle with it right angle at P, $\triangle{P'OQ'}$ is
%a right triangle with its right angle at P', and $\triangle{POQ}$ is inscribed in
\coordinate (O) at (0,0);
\node[anchor={0.5*(15+50)}, inner sep=0] at ($(O) +({0.5*(195+230)}:0.15)$){$O$};
\coordinate (Q) at (50:{15/4});
\node[anchor={50-90}, inner sep=0] at ($(Q) +({50+90}:0.15)$){$Q$};
\coordinate (P) at ($(O)!(Q)!(15:1)$);
\node[anchor={15+90}, inner sep=0] at ($(P) +({15-90}:0.15)$){$P$};
%A right-angle mark is drawn at P.
\draw ($(P)!3mm!-45:(O)$) coordinate (U) -- ($(P)!(U)!(O)$);
\draw (U) -- ($(P)!(U)!(Q)$);
%P' is the intersection of ray{OP} and the line through Q that is perpendicular
%to ray{OQ}.
\path[name path=ray_on_which_points_P_and_P'_lie] (O) -- (15:4.75);
\path[name path=perpendicular_line_segment_from_Q] (Q) -- ($(Q)!2.75cm!90:(O)$);
\coordinate[name intersections={of=perpendicular_line_segment_from_Q and ray_on_which_points_P_and_P'_lie, by=P'}];
\node[anchor={15+90}, inner sep=0] at ($(P') +({15-90}:0.15)$){$P^{\prime}$};
%Q' is the intersection of ray{OQ} and the line through P' that is perpendicular
%to ray{OP}.
\path[name path=ray_on_which_points_Q_and_Q'_lie] (O) -- (50:5.75);
\path[name path=perpendicular_line_segment_from_P'] (P') -- ($(P')!3.25cm!-90:(O)$);
\coordinate[name intersections={of=perpendicular_line_segment_from_P' and ray_on_which_points_Q_and_Q'_lie, by=Q'}];
\node[anchor={50-90}, inner sep=0] at ($(Q') +({50+90}:0.15)$){$Q'$};
%The sides of the triangle are drawn.
\draw (O) -- (P');
\draw (O) -- (Q');
\draw (P) -- (Q);
\draw (P') -- (Q');
%A right-angle mark is drawn at P'.
\draw ($(P')!3mm!-45:(O)$) coordinate (U') -- ($(P')!(U')!(O)$);
\draw (U') -- ($(P')!(U')!(Q')$);
%The superscript "^{\prime}" in "$Q^{\prime}$" and "$P^{\prime}$" displaces the "Q" in "$Q^{\prime}$" and the
%"P" in "$P^{\prime}$" leftward artificially by half of its width. To cancel this artificial shift, a
%"\newlength" command is defined as the width of the subscript "^{\prime}," and the command
%"xshift=0.5\widthofprime" is issued to the node commands that position "$Q^{\prime}$" and "$P^{\prime}$."
%The length of PQ is labeled y.
\draw let \p1=($(P)-(Q)$), \n1={atan(\y1/\x1)} in node[anchor={\n1-90}, inner sep=0] at ($($(P)!0.15cm!-90:(Q)$)! 0.5! ($(Q)!0.15cm!90:(P)$)$){$y$};
%The length of P'Q' is labeled y'.
\draw let \p1=($(P)-(Q)$), \n1={atan(\y1/\x1)} in node[xshift={cos(\n1)*(0.5\widthofprime)}, yshift={sin(\n1+180)*(0.5\heightofprime)}, anchor={\n1-90}, inner sep=0] at ($($(P')!0.15cm!-90:(Q')$)! 0.5! ($(Q')!0.15cm!90:(P')$)$){$y^{\prime}$};
\draw[green] (O) -- ({0.5*(15+50)}:6);
\node[align=center,font=\bfseries,anchor=north,yshift=-3mm] at (current bounding box.south) {An illustration of similar right triangles \\ $\mathbf{\triangle{POQ}}$ and $\mathbf{\triangle{P^{\prime}OQ^{\prime}}}$};
建议的代码egreg 的评论可以整齐地包装在宏中:
% a macro for the prime taking no space; rename this to whatever you like
,只有这个宏不会占用任何空间。它独立于任何 Ti钾Z 库或计算,但您可以将其用作任何节点文本的一部分,如果您不希望素数影响节点的大小或定位。
% a macro for the prime taking no space; rename this to whatever you like
% just a few things for testing in the example
\fboxsep 0pt
\newcommand{\tr}[2]{#1 & \fbox{$#2$}}
\tr{Plain}{x} \\
\tr{`Ghost' Prime}{x\ghostprime} \\
\tr{Standard Prime}{x'}
%$\triangle{POQ}$ is a right triangle with it right angle at P, $\triangle{P'OQ'}$ is
%a right triangle with its right angle at P', and $\triangle{POQ}$ is inscribed in
\coordinate (O) at (0,0);
\coordinate (Q) at (50:{15/4});
\coordinate (P) at ($(O)!(Q)!(15:1)$);
%P' is the intersection of ray{OP} and the line through Q that is perpendicular
%to ray{OQ}.
\path[name path=ray_on_which_points_P_and_P'_lie] (O) -- (15:4.75);
\path[name path=perpendicular_line_segment_from_Q] (Q) -- ($(Q)!2.75cm!90:(O)$);
\coordinate[name intersections={of=perpendicular_line_segment_from_Q and ray_on_which_points_P_and_P'_lie, by=P'}];
%Q' is the intersection of ray{OQ} and the line through P' that is perpendicular
%to ray{OP}.
\path[name path=ray_on_which_points_Q_and_Q'_lie] (O) -- (50:5.75);
\path[name path=perpendicular_line_segment_from_P'] (P') -- ($(P')!3.25cm!-90:(O)$);
\coordinate[name intersections={of=perpendicular_line_segment_from_P' and ray_on_which_points_Q_and_Q'_lie, by=Q'}];
%The sides of the triangle are drawn.
\draw (O) -- (P');
\draw (O) -- (Q');
\draw (P) -- (Q);
\draw (P') -- (Q');
%The length of line segment PQ is labeled y.
\path[name path=a_path_on_which_label_for_y] ($(P)!0.15cm!-90:(Q)$) -- ($(Q)!0.15cm!90:(P)$);
\path[name path=another_path_on_which_label_for_y] (O) -- ({0.5*(15+50)}:5);
\coordinate[name intersections={of=a_path_on_which_label_for_y and another_path_on_which_label_for_y, by=label_for_y}];
\draw let \p1=($(P)-(Q)$), \n1={atan(\y1/\x1)} in node[anchor={\n1-90}, inner sep=0] at (label_for_y){$y$};
%The length of line segment P'Q' is labeled y'.
\path[name path=a_path_on_which_label_for_y'] ($(P')!0.15cm!-90:(Q')$) -- ($(Q')!0.15cm!90:(P')$);
\path[name path=another_path_on_which_label_for_y'] (O) -- ({0.5*(15+50)}:5);
\coordinate[name intersections={of=a_path_on_which_label_for_y' and another_path_on_which_label_for_y', by=label_for_y'}];
\draw let \p1=($(P)-(Q)$), \n1={atan(\y1/\x1)} in node[anchor={\n1-90}, inner sep=0] at (label_for_y'){$y{\makebox[0pt][l]{\smash{${}^{\prime}$}}}$};
\draw[green] (O) -- ({0.5*(15+50)}:6);