

我正在使用来自的 pdfpcnotes.sty 样式https://github.com/cebe/pdfpc-latex-notes我目前正在尝试让它保留换行符,即如果我写

  * Foo
  * Bar

我希望它能给我两行注释。我尝试了以下方法:https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/211907但我不得不承认,这种魔法有点超出我的 LaTeX 技能。据我所知,换行符和制表符被重新定义,以便它们可以被参数捕获......?我想到的是:

[... stuff from pdfpcnotes.sty ...]

% Create the magical "dont swallow newlines" command..?

% open file on \begin{document}
[... output header ...]
% define a # https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/37757/10327


% This is the command that will be used. It first opens a group, then
% switches it into "dont swallow ctrl characters" mode, and then calls
% an auxiliary command that should then receive the newlines...

% The auxiliary command that should receive the newlines

    % keep normal notes working

    % if frame changed - write a new header
    [... uninteresting ...]

    % write note to file


但是,这仍然将所有内容放在一行中。:( 有谁知道为什么它在我的情况下不起作用?

