如何将问题链接到答案 - 超链接和超目标 - 多章节

如何将问题链接到答案 - 超链接和超目标 - 多章节

对于问题库(仅限 pdf CC 版本),我定义了超链接和超目标,如中所述添加另一个与问题本身超链接的答案

为了排版更多章节(如本回答评论中所述),我尝试添加 \thechapter\thesection\thequestion。我成功将 Problems 链接到 Shortsolutions 和 Longsolutions。但反向链接失败。

有人能帮帮我吗,我正在发布我的 MWE。






% very useful during de-bugging!

% solutions files
% short solutions
% long solutions

% new environment that sets up hypertargets both in the question
% section, and in the answer section
    %  hyperlink to solution


\chapter{Questions and Answers}

%\Opensolutionfile{ans}[\jobname ans\thechapter]

\Opensolutionfile{shortsolutions}[\jobname key\thechapter]
\Opensolutionfile{longsolutions}[\jobname sol\thechapter]

                In order to do this, we must first make a substitution\ldots
                A very long solution| much longer than the shorter solution
                Even longer!
                Even longer!
                Even longer!
                Even longer!
                Even longer!
                Even longer!
                Even longer!
                Even longer!
                Even longer!
                Even longer!
                Even longer!

% close solution files

\chapter{Two and Second Similar One}

%\Opensolutionfile{ans}[\jobname ans\thechapter]

\Opensolutionfile{shortsolutions}[\jobname key\thechapter]
\Opensolutionfile{longsolutions}[\jobname sol\thechapter]

                In order to do this, we must first make a substitution\ldots
                A very long solution| much longer than the shorter solution
                Even longer!
                Even longer!
                Even longer!
                Even longer!
                Even longer!
                Even longer!
                Even longer!
                Even longer!
                Even longer!
                Even longer!
                Even longer!

% close solution files

\chapter{Answers to the Problems}
% renew the SHORT solution environment so that it hyperlinks back to 
% the question
         % add some glue
         \vskip .5cm plus 2cm minus 0.1cm%
         {\bfseries \hyperlink{question:#1}{#1.}}%
% input the file if it exists

 \foreach \i in {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, ...,15} {%
    \edef\FileName{\jobname key\i}%     The % here are necessary to eliminate any
    \IfFileExists{\FileName}{%  spurious spaces that may get inserted
        \input{\FileName}%       at these points

% renew the LONG solution environment so that it hyperlinks back to 
% the question
         % add some glue
         \vskip .5cm plus 2cm minus 0.1cm%
         {\bfseries \hypersetup{linkcolor=blue}\hyperlink{question:#1}{#1.}}%
% input the file if it exists

%Input all Solutions files as they appear Chapter-wise properly hyperlinked. 

 \foreach \i in {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, ...,15} {%
    \edef\FileName{\jobname sol\i}%     The % here are necessary to eliminate any
    \IfFileExists{\FileName}{%  spurious spaces that may get inserted
        \input{\FileName}%       at these points

