

在这个例子中,我想在每个宏中创建通用名称(对于用户而言)的节点\N{a}\N{b}...但命名不同(对于 tikz),以避免在连续调用宏时混淆和覆盖。

节点(tikz 端)的名称是,a-i-x其中i是调用宏的叠覆级别,x是用户使用时给出的名称\N{x}





% counter for naming nodes

% level of calling

% node named #1 at the current level

% node named #1 at the previous level

% Pass the created nodes back to the calling macro
    \foreach \Nd in {#1} {%
        \coordinate (\Nd) at (\N{\alph{LittNode}}) ;

% one level up at the begining of a macro

\def\tr[#1](#2,#3,#4){\draw[#1] (#2) -- (#3) -- (#4) --cycle;}
\foreach \pt in {#1} {\fill (\pt) circle (2 pt);}}
\foreach \pt in {#1} {\path  coordinate["\pt" below] () at (\pt) ;}}


% new level of nodes

\path[coordinate](barycentric cs:#2=1,#3=1) coordinate (\N{c});
\path[coordinate](barycentric cs:#2=1,#4=1) coordinate (\N{b});
\path[coordinate](barycentric cs:#3=1,#4=1) coordinate (\N{a});



% new level of nodes

% use of `\Np{b}` ... to anticipate the expansion

% and refer now by `\N{b}` to the same node
\path[coordinate](barycentric cs:\N{b}=1,\N{c}=1,\N{d}=1) coordinate (\N{a});
\draw[green] (#2)--(\N{b}) (#3)--(\N{c}) (#4)--(\N{d});


\path    coordinate (a) at (0,1)
 coordinate (b) at (5,2)
 coordinate (c) at (1,6);

% as final use
% we take the three middles with human names







    \expandafter\edef\csname #1\endcsname{%

% counter for naming nodes

% level of calling

% node named #1 at the current level

% Pass the created nodes back to the calling macro
    \edef\Sortie{\csname OutPut-\NumNode \endcsname}
    \foreach \Nd [count=\i from 1]
        in \Sortie {%
        \coordinate (\Nd) at (\N{\i}) ;
        % debbuging
        %\node at (2*\NumNode,\i/2) {\Nd -- \N{\i}} ;

% one level up at the begining of a macro
    \expandafter\xdef\csname OutPut-\NumNode\endcsname{#1}

\def\tr[#1](#2,#3,#4){\draw[#1] (#2) -- (#3) -- (#4) --cycle;}
\foreach \pt in {#1} {\fill (\pt) circle (2 pt);}}
\foreach \pt in {#1} {\path  coordinate["\pt" below] () at (\pt) ;}}



\path[coordinate](barycentric cs:#2=1,#3=1) coordinate (\C);
\path[coordinate](barycentric cs:#2=1,#4=1) coordinate (\B);
\path[coordinate](barycentric cs:#3=1,#4=1) coordinate (\A);



% human compatible node name
% In in the order of their output




\path[coordinate](barycentric cs:\A=1,\B=1,\C=1) coordinate (\Gravite);
\draw[green] (#2)--(\A) (#3)--(\B) (#4)--(\C);




\path    coordinate (a) at (0,1)
 coordinate (b) at (5,2)
 coordinate (c) at (1,6);

% as final use
% we take the three middles with human names



