我正在表格中显示比较。如下面的 LaTeX 代码所示,我在第二列、第二行中指定的信息有点长。当我编译代码时,表格中的信息没有完全显示出来。信息也没有跨行拆分。
\caption{Performance After Post Filtering} % title name of the table
\centering % centering table
\begin{tabular}{l c c rrrrrrr} % creating 10 columns
\hline\hline % inserting double-line
&InsecureRFComm &RFComm
\\ [0.5ex]
\hline % inserts single-line
% Entering 1st row
&RFComm Socket &RFComm Socket\\[-1ex]
\raisebox{1.5ex}{BT-Socket Type}
% Entering 2nd row
&No authenticated link key Socket &Authenticated link key\\[-1ex]
\raisebox{1.5ex}{Communication channel}
% Entering 3rd row
& &soft & 1 & $-1$ & 1 & 1 & $-1$ & $-1$ & 1 \\[-1ex]
\raisebox{1.5ex}{Remote Device} \\
\raisebox{1.5ex}{For BT-Serial Port} \\
\raisebox{1.5ex}{For Peer-Peer Apps} \\
\raisebox{1.5ex}{Initiating The Outgoing Connection} \\
% [1ex] adds vertical space
\hline % inserts single-line
为了响应 OP 提供示例的请求,我首先在这里展示如何将 包装tabular
在 中\makebox
\caption{Performance After Post Filtering} % title name of the table
\centering % centering table
\makebox[\textwidth]{\begin{tabular}{l c c rrrrrrr} % creating 10 columns
\hline\hline % inserting double-line
&InsecureRFComm &RFComm
\\ [0.5ex]
\hline % inserts single-line
% Entering 1st row
&RFComm Socket &RFComm Socket\\[-1ex]
\raisebox{1.5ex}{BT-Socket Type}
% Entering 2nd row
&No authenticated link key Socket &Authenticated link key\\[-1ex]
\raisebox{1.5ex}{Communication channel}
% Entering 3rd row
& &soft & 1 & $-1$ & 1 & 1 & $-1$ & $-1$ & 1 \\[-1ex]
\raisebox{1.5ex}{Remote Device} \\
\raisebox{1.5ex}{For BT-Serial Port} \\
\raisebox{1.5ex}{For Peer-Peer Apps} \\
\raisebox{1.5ex}{Initiating The Outgoing Connection} \\
% [1ex] adds vertical space
\hline % inserts single-line
\caption{Performance After Post Filtering} % title name of the table
\centering % centering table
\makebox[\textwidth]{\begin{tabular}{l c c rrrrrrr} % creating 10 columns
\hline\hline % inserting double-line
&InsecureRFComm &RFComm
\\ [0.5ex]
\hline % inserts single-line
% Entering 1st row
&RFComm Socket &RFComm Socket\\[-1ex]
\raisebox{1.5ex}{BT-Socket Type}
% Entering 2nd row
&No authenticated link key Socket &Authenticated link key\\[-1ex]
\raisebox{1.5ex}{Communication channel}
% Entering 3rd row
& &soft & 1 & $-1$ & 1 & 1 & $-1$ & $-1$ & 1 \\[-1ex]
\raisebox{1.5ex}{Remote Device} \\
\raisebox{1.5ex}{For BT-Serial Port} \\
\raisebox{1.5ex}{For Peer-Peer Apps} \\
\raisebox{1.5ex}{Initiating The Outgoing Connection} \\
% [1ex] adds vertical space
\hline % inserts single-line