


我考虑过编写一个宏来完成所有这些工作,但我需要在其中添加大约二十几个参数(表格的每一行一个)。此外,当我向模板添加新行时,我希望在该行的第二列\todo{}中为表格的每个后续实例自动填充一个默认值(特别是 )。我也同意将模板放在序言中,因为我认为这是必需的。



下面是一个与 Christian Hupfer 的答案类似的例子,但是使用的pgfkeysxkeyval

\usepackage{pgfkeys, pgffor} 

% this command is used for undefined cells

% set up the keys that store the entries
\pgfkeys{table/.is family, table, 
    list of rows/.initial={foo, bar, baz},
    add row/.style={#1/.value required, #1/.initial={\undefinedcell}},
    /table, first column/.is family, first column,
    /table/add row/.list/.expanded=\pgfkeysvalueof{/table/list of rows},
    /table, second column/.is family, second column,
    /table/add row/.list/.expanded=\pgfkeysvalueof{/table/list of rows},

% code to store the content of the table in a key
    add content/.style = {
        content/.append={#1 & \pgfkeysvalueof{/table/first column/#1} & \pgfkeysvalueof{/table/second column/#1} \\\hline},
    fill content/.style = {add content/.list/.expanded = \pgfkeysvalueof{/table/list of rows}},

% define the entries in the first column
\pgfkeys{table, first column,
    foo = entry 1,
    bar = entry 2   

% the command takes a list of key=val pairs and adds them to the second column
    \pgfkeys{table, second column, #1, /table, fill content}
        \begin{tabular}{|l | l | l |}\hline







根据 Christian Hupfer 的评论,我得到了一个可行的解决方案。

% Set up the requirement table macro
% Required for \define@key to work
% Define the default value that is assigned to the key
\def\contentRowOne{\todo[inline]{Fill in cell}}
% Define the key for parsing
% Here you would add more \def and \define@key commands for each key needed
% Revert the changes made by \makeatletter

% This is the macro that is used in the body of the document
% Grouping makes sure that later calls get the default values rather than
% the values from the last table
% This parses the optional key-value parameters and runs the defined macros
% for each
% Standard table with the macros used here
    Requirement & Fulfilled by \\
    \autoref{req:label} & \contentRowOne \\
% end of the group, replaces the changes to the key macros with default values

% Generates table with todo in second column
% Generates table with Test in second column
