pgfplot 内存问题

pgfplot 内存问题

我正在 groupplots策划

数据集相当大(每个图 15000 个数据点,每组有 5 个这样的图)。当 Latex 抛出内存不足错误时,我尝试使用 tikz 的外部化。但是当我pdflatex -shell-escape <filename>从命令行编译时,我收到以下错误

! Package tikz Error: Sorry, the system call 'pdflatex -shell-escape -halt-on-e
rror -interaction=batchmode -jobname "Second_phase_updates-figure5" "\def\tikze
xternalrealjob{Second_phase_updates}\input{Second_phase_updates}"' did NOT resu
lt in a usable output file 'Second_phase_updates-figure5' (expected one of .pdf
:.jpg:.jpeg:.png:). Please verify that you have enabled system calls. For pdfla
tex, this is 'pdflatex -shell-escape'. Sometimes it is also named 'write 18' or
 something like that. Or maybe the command simply failed? Error messages can be
 found in 'Second_phase_updates-figure5.log'. If you continue now, I'll try to 
typeset the picture.
See the tikz package documentation for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.
l.265 \end{tikzpicture}


这里我包含了一个 MWE。

    \tikzset{external/force remake}
     group style={
      group size=1 by 2,  % sets number of columns and rows in groupplot array
      vertical sep=0pt,   % vertical distance between axes
     axis y line=left, % y axis line on left side only
     xmin=0,xmax=1000,   % set axis
     ymin=0,           % limits
     domain=1:9,       % domain, just for example
     width=15cm,       % width
     height=5cm,       % and height for each axis
     scale only axis,  % disregard labels and ticks for scaling
     no markers, 
     enlarge y limits=upper,

        ylabel style={at={(rel axis cs:0,1)},above,rotate=-90}, %move ylabel a bit
        axis x line=none] % remove x-axis lines
     \addplot table [y=p5, x=frequency]{1m_f2800.txt};

\nextgroupplot[axis x line=none]
 \addplot [y=p4, x=frequency]{1m_f2800.txt};
\nextgroupplot[axis x line=none]
 \addplot [y=p3, x=frequency]{1m_f2800.txt};
\nextgroupplot[axis x line=none]
 \addplot [y=p2, x=frequency]{1m_f2800.txt};

        axis x line=bottom, % only x axis line at bottom
        %xlabel style={at={(rel axis cs:1,0)},right}]
     \addplot table [y=p1, x=frequency]{1m_f2800.txt}; 





Tikz 外部化无法解决内存问题,因为它所做的是在编译后将 tikzpicture 环境的输出保存为外部文件(pdf 或 eps)。如果您的代码无法编译,则无法外部化任何内容。

纠正语法错误后(请阅读错误消息!),它会使用 LuaLatex 为我编译。但您还应该检查 groupplot 命令,这会给出额外的警告消息。您只是定义了一个 1x2 矩阵,但添加了远不止两个图!



                          group style={
                          group size=1 by 5,  % sets number of columns and rows in groupplot array
                          vertical sep=10pt,   % vertical distance between axes
                          axis y line=left, % y axis line on left side only
                          xmin=0,xmax=1000,   % set axis
                          ymin=0,           % limits
                          domain=1:9,       % domain, just for example
                          width=15cm,       % width
                          height=5cm,       % and height for each axis
                          scale only axis,  % disregard labels and ticks for scaling
                          no markers, 
                          enlarge y limits=upper,
                        ylabel=$SPL$ (dB),
                        ylabel style={at={(rel axis cs:0,1)},above,rotate=-90}, %move ylabel a bit
                        axis x line=none % remove x-axis lines
        \addplot table [y=p5, x=frequency]{1m_f2800.txt};
        \nextgroupplot[axis x line=none]
        \addplot table [y=p4, x=frequency]{1m_f2800.txt};
        \nextgroupplot[axis x line=none]
        \addplot table [y=p3, x=frequency]{1m_f2800.txt};
        \nextgroupplot[axis x line=none]
        \addplot table [y=p2, x=frequency]{1m_f2800.txt};
                        axis x line=bottom, % only x axis line at bottom
                        %xlabel style={at={(rel axis cs:1,0)},right}
        \addplot table [y=p1, x=frequency]{1m_f2800.txt}; 
