\usepackage{alltt}[1997/06/16] %% boilerplate, credits, license
\usepackage{array}[2008/09/09] %% extended array/tabular features
{-3.25ex\@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}%
{1.5ex \@plus .2ex}%
\noexpand\newcounter{level\number\numexpr\count@+1\relax} [level\number\count@]
\noexpand\@namedef{level\number\numexpr\count@+1\relax mark}####1{}}
% Some definitions useful in producing this sort of documentation:
\chardef\bslash=`\\ % p. 424, TeXbook
% Normalized (nonbold, nonitalic) tt font, to avoid font
% substitution warning messages if tt is used inside section
% headings and other places where odd font combinations might
% result.
% command name
% LaTeX package name
% File name
% environment name
\hfuzz1pc % Don't bother to report overfull boxes if overage is < 1pc
% Theorem environments
%% \theoremstyle{plain} %% This is the default
\BookMark{0}{PG Boilerplate.}
% \interval is used to provide better spacing after a [ that
% is used as a closing delimiter.
% Notation for an expression evaluated at a particular condition. The
% optional argument can be used to override automatic sizing of the
% right vert bar, e.g. \eval[\biggr]{...}_{...}
\ifx#1\right\relax \left.\fi#2#1\rvert}
% Enclose the argument in vert-bar delimiters:
% Enclose the argument in double-vert-bar delimiters:
\begin{huge}\textbf{First Line of the Title}\end{huge}\\[2mm]
\textit{Second Line of the Title}\\[5cm]
\chapter{First Chapter%
\footnote{Some text.}}
\section{First Section%
\footnote{Some text.}}
\subsection{First Subsection%
\footnote{Some text.}}