我用 LaTeX 制作了一个首页,现在的样子让我很满意。但是,我想优化我的代码,这样每次我只需要更改文本即可。更具体地说,我希望标题位于蓝色框的底部,如果很长,则分成两行(最好第二行最长)。此外,我希望右侧的 Tikzpicture 标题保持在那里,而不受标题长度的影响。“Logo”图片也是如此。
我对 LaTeX 还很陌生,感谢大家的帮助。
\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt, svgnames]{article}
\usepackage{tcolorbox, graphicx, standalone, mathptmx, tikz}
\usepackage[left=0.6in, right=0.6in, top=0.6in, bottom=0.6in]{geometry}
\begin{tcolorbox}[colback=NavyBlue, colframe=NavyBlue, height=6.2in, sharpish corners]
{\bfseries\color{white}\fontsize{35}{42}\selectfont Title (Sometimes Over Two Lines) }
\begin{tikzpicture}[smooth cycle, line width=6pt, scale=1]
\draw[line join=miter, color=Gold] (0,0) -- ++ (0.7,-0.5) -- ++ (0.7,0.5);
\draw[line join=miter, color=brown] (0,-0.4) -- ++ (0.7,-0.5) -- ++ (0.7,0.5);
\draw[line join=miter, color=red] (0,-0.8) -- ++ (0.7,-0.5) -- ++ (0.7,0.5);
\begin{tcolorbox}[colback=AliceBlue, colframe=AliceBlue, height=3.8in, sharpish corners]
\textit{Name of Author\\\vspace{10pt}
\draw[fill=NavyBlue] (0,0) -- (0,0.5) -- (4,0.5) --(4,0) -- (0,0);
\draw (2, 0.23) node{\color{AliceBlue}LOGO};
\textbf{\Large Series number xx/xx}
Here goes the lead paragraph. Usually not more than 7-8 lines.
Here goes the lead paragraph. Usually not more than 7-8 lines.
Here goes the lead paragraph. Usually not more than 7-8 lines.
Here goes the lead paragraph. Usually not more than 7-8 lines.
Here goes the lead paragraph. Usually not more than 7-8 lines.
我已经在 Tikz 中从头重建了您的代码(但使用了您的颜色、字体大小等)。在某些情况下,代码更短且更易于维护。位置上存在很小的差异,但我已尝试尽可能接近地复制您自己的代码。
带有 5 个参数的新命令中:
\mytitlepage{ <title> }{ <serial> }{ <text> }{ <author> }{ <dept> }
\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt, svgnames]{article}
\usepackage{mathptmx, tikz}
\usepackage[left=0.6in, right=0.6in, top=0.6in, bottom=0.6in]{geometry}
\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture,
shift={($(current page.south west)+(.6in,.6in)$)}
% Background
\fill[NavyBlue] ($(current page.west)+(.6in,-2cm)$) rectangle
($(current page.north east)+(-.6in,-.6in)$);
\fill[AliceBlue] ($(current page.west)+(.6in,-2cm)$) rectangle
($(current page.south east)+(-.6in,.6in)$);
% Dark blue section
\node[text=white, font=\bfseries, text width=9cm, anchor=south west, outer xsep=5mm,outer ysep=1mm]
at ($(current page.west)+(.6in,-2cm)$)
{\fontsize{35}{42}\selectfont #1};
\begin{scope}[smooth cycle, line width=6pt, scale=1, shift={($(current page.east)+(-4cm,-2mm)$)}]
\draw[line join=miter, color=Gold] (0,0) -- ++ (0.7,-0.5) -- ++ (0.7,0.5);
\draw[line join=miter, color=brown] (0,-0.4) -- ++ (0.7,-0.5) -- ++ (0.7,0.5);
\draw[line join=miter, color=red] (0,-0.8) -- ++ (0.7,-0.5) -- ++ (0.7,0.5);
% Light blue section
\node[font=\bfseries\Large, anchor=north west, outer ysep=2mm] (sn) at ($(current page)+(-1cm,-2cm)$) {Serial Number #2};
\node[anchor=north west, outer ysep=2mm] (text) at (sn.south west) {\begin{varwidth}{8cm}#3\end{varwidth}};
\node[anchor=east, yshift=-6cm, xshift=-6mm, font=\itshape, align=right] at (sn.south west) {#4};
\node[anchor=east, text width=2cm, font=\itshape, yshift=-7.5cm, xshift=-6mm, align=right] at (sn.south west) {#5};
\node[fill=NavyBlue, text=AliceBlue,
anchor=south west, align=center, text width=4cm] at (.5,.5) {LOGO};
\mytitlepage{Super mega\\ultra long Title}{555/2368}{Here goes the lead paragraph. Usually not more than 7-8 lines. Here goes the lead paragraph. Usually not more than 7-8 lines. Here goes the lead paragraph. Usually not more than 7-8 lines. Here goes the lead paragraph. Usually not more than 7-8 lines. Here goes the lead paragraph. Usually not more than 7-8 lines. Here goes the lead paragraph. Usually not more than 7-8 lines.}{John Doe}{Some\\Department}