Latex 表错误,禁止控制序列

Latex 表错误,禁止控制序列

我试图在 LaTEX 中制作一个表格,我的代码如下所示:

\caption{Comparing all interactions with time at each timestep. The model for All are the full model shown in Table \ref{ANOVA1} and the timesteps are calculated from  $Y_{t}=Sex*Concentration*Line*Temperature$ where  $Y_{t}$ is the distance travelled from the previous timestep. \textbf{Bold text} shows the significant results at 95\% confides interval. }
Time         & Sex       & DGRP-Line         & Temperatuer & Concentration & DGRP-Line and temperature \\ \hline
All         \textbf{ & 0.049 }    & \textbf{2.2e-16 & 0.0007}      & \textbf{0.038}     & \textbf{ 2.882e-06}              \\
0-0,5 second & 0.8444407 & \textbf{4.244e-10}         & 0.2720534   & 0.1375129     & \textbf{0.0006659}                 \\
0,5-1 second &\textbf{ 0.0004} &          & 0.0031148   & 0.0995024     & \textbf{0.0280461 }                \\
1-1,5 second & \textbf{0.0005} & 0.3664504         & \textbf{1.948e-07}   & 0.0611781     & 0.1679611                 \\
1,5-2 second &\textbf{ 0.0026}  & 0.531987          & 0.079998    & 0.087518      & 0.902758                  \\
2-2,5 second & 0.29189   & 0.05216           & \textbf{0.03220}    & 0.89924       & 0.77766                   \\
2,5-3 second & 0.64682   & 0.08111           & 0.63522     & 0.32285       & 0.45075                  


扫描使用 \check@nocorr@ 时发现禁止的控制序列。



该错误非常直接,您的\textbf{}第二行函数中有两个额外的 & 符号。


\caption{Comparing all interactions with time at each timestep. The model for All are the full model shown in Table  and the timesteps are calculated from  $Y_{t}=Sex*Concentration*Line*Temperature$ where  $Y_{t}$ is the distance travelled from the previous timestep. \textbf{Bold text} shows the significant results at 95\% confides interval. }
Time & Sex & DGRP-Line & Temperatuer & Concentration & DGRP-Line and temperature \\ 
All  &\textbf{0.049 } & \textbf{2.2e-16} & \textbf{0.0007} & \textbf{0.038} & \textbf{2.882e-06} \\
0-0,5 second & 0.8444407 & \textbf{4.244e-10}  & 0.2720534   & 0.1375129     & \textbf{0.0006659} \\
0,5-1 second &\textbf{0.0004} & & 0.0031148 & 0.0995024 & \textbf{0.0280461 } \\
1-1,5 second & \textbf{0.0005} & 0.3664504 & \textbf{1.948e-07}  & 0.0611781 & 0.1679611 \\
1,5-2 second &\textbf{0.0026}  & 0.531987 & 0.079998 & 0.087518 & 0.902758 \\
2-2,5 second & 0.29189   & 0.05216 & \textbf{0.03220}    & 0.89924       & 0.77766 \\
2,5-3 second & 0.64682   & 0.08111 & 0.63522 & 0.32285 & 0.45075                  

