Colorbox 不换行

Colorbox 不换行




(我不知道如何进行 tex 代码的后期渲染,因此我仅附上其样子的截图。)



\colorbox[RGB]{0,209,0}{This block represents a generic three phase back emf, like a power line, as vectors.} \\
\colorbox[RGB]{232,209,82}{This block converts the vectors to three phase representation.} \\
\colorbox[RGB]{255,66,209}{The Modulator that can perform sinus, symmetric or minswitch modulation, with fixed or random carrier wave frequency.} \\
\colorbox[RGB]{97,189,252}{This is an ideal three level inverter.} \\
\colorbox[RGB]{255,128,0}{This is a model of the grid connection and the load. It also calculates how much current is taken from the DC link.}



(我使用 Texmaker、Miktex、Windows 10)






\ctext[RGB]{0,209,0}{This block represents a generic three phase back emf, like a power line, as vectors.} \\
\ctext[RGB]{232,209,82}{This block converts the vectors to three phase representation.} \\
\ctext[RGB]{255,66,209}{The Modulator that can perform sinus, symmetric or minswitch modulation, with fixed or random carrier wave frequency.} \\
\ctext[RGB]{97,189,252}{This is an ideal three level inverter.} \\
\ctext[RGB]{255,128,0}{This is a model of the grid connection and the load. It also calculates how much current is taken from the DC link.}








\tcbset{commonstyle/.style={boxrule=0pt,sharp corners,enhanced jigsaw,nobeforeafter,boxsep=0pt,left=\fboxsep,right=\fboxsep}}




\colorbox[RGB]{0,209,0}{This block represents a generic three phase back emf, like a power line, as vectors.} 

\colorbox[RGB]{232,209,82}{This block converts the vectors to three phase representation.} 

\colorbox[RGB]{255,66,209}{The Modulator that can perform sinus, symmetric or minswitch modulation, with fixed or random carrier wave frequency.} 

\colorbox[RGB]{97,189,252}{This is an ideal three level inverter.} 

\colorbox[RGB]{255,128,0}{This is a model of the grid connection and the load. It also calculates how much current is taken from the DC link.}

With \verb!\parbox!
\colorbox[RGB]{0,209,0}{\parbox{\myboxwidth}{This block represents a generic three phase back emf, like a power line, as vectors.}} 

\colorbox[RGB]{232,209,82}{\parbox{\myboxwidth}{This block converts the vectors to three phase representation.}} 

\colorbox[RGB]{255,66,209}{\parbox{\myboxwidth}{The Modulator that can perform sinus, symmetric or minswitch modulation, with fixed or random carrier wave frequency.}} 

\colorbox[RGB]{97,189,252}{\parbox{\myboxwidth}{This is an ideal three level inverter.}} 

\colorbox[RGB]{255,128,0}{\parbox{\myboxwidth}{This is a model of the grid connection and the load. It also calculates how much current is taken from the DC link.}}


With \texttt{tcolorbox}

This block represents a generic three phase back emf, like a power line, as vectors.

This block converts the vectors to three phase representation. 

The Modulator that can perform sinus, symmetric or minswitch modulation, with fixed or random carrier wave frequency.

This is an ideal three level inverter.

This is a model of the grid connection and the load. It also calculates how much current is taken from the DC link.

With \texttt{tcolorbox} and shadows.

\begin{mycolorbox}[colback=colorone,drop lifted shadow]
This block represents a generic three phase back emf, like a power line, as vectors.




如果有人正在使用 luatex 并且偶然发现了这个soul包,那么可以使用这个包轻松替代lua-ul

\usepackage{luacolor,lua-ul} %for usage of style attributes - background color


\highLight[{[RGB]{0,209,0}}]{This block represents a generic three phase back emf, like a power line, as vectors.} \\
\highLight[{[RGB]{232,209,82}}]{This block converts the vectors to three phase representation.} \\
\highLight[{[RGB]{255,66,209}}]{The Modulator that can perform sinus, symmetric or minswitch modulation, with fixed or random carrier wave frequency.} \\
\highLight[{[RGB]{97,189,252}}]{This is an ideal three level inverter.} \\
\highLight[{[RGB]{255,128,0}}]{This is a model of the grid connection and the load. It also calculates how much current is taken from the DC link.}


结果相同。为了完整性,我添加了这个附加选项。 结果







\hl{This is a highlight, we can make a very long sentence more than one line, but the highlight result is also very good.}




