% Make lists without bullets and compact spacing
\item \begin{tabular}{@{}ll}
Title: &This is not a title, this is perhaps a title, nobody but you know!\\
&This is not a title, this is perhaps a title, nobody but you know!\\
&This is not a title, this is perhaps a title, nobody but you know!\\
TitleAgain: &This is not a title, this is perhaps a title, nobody but you know!\\
&This is not a title, this is perhaps a title, nobody but you know!\\
&This is not a title, this is perhaps a title, nobody but you know!\\
-column 中自动换行。根据您的使用情况,description
% Make lists without bullets and compact spacing
Title: & This is not a title, this is perhaps a title, nobody but
you know! This is not a title, this is perhaps a title,
nobody but you know! This is not a title, this is
perhaps a title, nobody but you know!\tabularnewline
& This is not a title, this is perhaps a title, nobody
but you know! This is not a title, this is perhaps a
title, nobody but you know! This is not a title, this
is perhaps a title, nobody but you know!
\item[Title:] This is not a title, this is perhaps a title, nobody but
you know! This is not a title, this is perhaps a title, nobody but
you know! This is not a title, this is perhaps a title, nobody but
you know!
\item[TitleAgain:] This is not a title, this is perhaps a title,
nobody but you know! This is not a title, this is perhaps a title,
nobody but you know! This is not a title, this is perhaps a title,
nobody but you know!
您是否尝试过使用 p(段落)模式对齐表格单元格?例如
I would like to get the following effect without manually using ``\&'' and ``\textbackslash'' to wrap the text (i.e., all the text will be wrapped automatically).
\begin{tabular}{l c p{4in}}
Title & &Title to the long Text cell\\
Title&: &This is not a title, this is perhaps a title, nobody but you know!
This is not a title, this is perhaps a title, nobody but you know!
This is not a title, this is perhaps a title, nobody but you know!\\
TitleAgain&: &This is not a title, this is perhaps a title, nobody but you know!
This is not a title, this is perhaps a title, nobody but you know!
This is not a title, this is perhaps a title, nobody but you know!\\
\caption{Solution: Text wrapped using the \texttt{p} (paragraph) alignment.}
% Make lists without bullets and compact spacing
\parbox[t]{\dimexpr \textwidth - \parindent - 2cm - 1em\relax}{#2}%
% note: just as I defined '\wrapdelim', you could define lengths to make maintaining `\wrapit` more easy to control
\item \begin{tabular}{@{}ll}
Title: &This is not a title, this is perhaps a title, nobody but you know!\\
&This is not a title, this is perhaps a title, nobody but you know!\\
&This is not a title, this is perhaps a title, nobody but you know!\\
TitleAgain: &This is not a title, this is perhaps a title, nobody but you know!\\
&This is not a title, this is perhaps a title, nobody but you know!\\
&This is not a title, this is perhaps a title, nobody but you know!\\
I would like to get the following effect without manually using ``\&'' and ``\textbackslash'' to wrap the text (i.e., all the text will be wrapped automatically).
\wrapit{Title}{I would like to get the following effect without manually using ``\&'' and ``\textbackslash'' to wrap the text (i.e., all the text will be wrapped automatically).}
\wrapit{TitleAgain}{I would like to get the following effect without manually using ``\&'' and ``\textbackslash'' to wrap the text (i.e., all the text will be wrapped automatically).}
I would like to get the following effect without manually using ``\&'' and ``\textbackslash'' to wrap the text (i.e., all the text will be wrapped automatically).