独立和 PGFplot 裁剪

独立和 PGFplot 裁剪

根据要求这里我设置了一个绘图模板,可以单独使用并包含在主文档中。剩下的 1 个问题是裁剪没有裁剪掉 x 标签之外的足够多的空白。这导致 x 标签和标题之间有很大的空白。\setlength{\abovecaptionskip}{0pt}在主文档中设置有助于减少空间,但会导致其他标题与绘图的距离不同。在此处输入图片描述

\documentclass[ class=scrbook, 
border=0pt,% no borders
% if axis option " only scale axis" is used border has to be set manually to avoid cropping of the Y-Axis Label. Including the standalone then has to be set to \standaloneconfig{mode=tex}
% Using border={0pt 0pt 0pt 0pt} seems not to work with scrbook

% This KOMA options are needed to calculate the Textwitdh and Height
\KOMAoptions{fontsize=12pt} % Fontsize

% the textwidth of the main docement is 16cm=455.24945pt


% Option that should not be change by the user, this are set here so it is obvious and makes the code more readable
    every axis/.append style={
        scale only axis, % the width and height specifies only axis not the labels etc. to avoid missplacing of the different plots when Labels are used or not.
\tikzset{every picture/.style={trim axis left, trim axis right}}% used to avoid missplacing of different plots when the numbers on the x-axis stands out left or right.

    \makebox[\dimexpr\originalTextWidth\relax]{% Box to avoid problem of standalone cropping too much of the plot.  
        xlabel= \fbox{fractions q y Pp f g},
        %ylabel=Small Axis,
        \addplot[blue, mark=x] coordinates {(0,0)
        \draw [brown] (current bounding box.south west) rectangle (current bounding box.north east);%
        %\clip[use as bounding box] (0,0.5)++(current bounding box.south west) rectangle (current bounding box.north east);%
        %\clip[use as bounding box] (0,0)++(.01\textwidth,.01\textwidth) rectangle ++(.45\textwidth,.45\textwidth);
        \end{tikzpicture}% Never Remove this comment to avoid missplacing plot shifts to left side a little bit
    }%End \makebox

    \documentclass[ class=scrbook, 
    border=0pt,% no borders
    % if axis option " only scale axis" is used border has to be set manually to avoid cropping of the Y-Axis Label. Including the standalone then has to be set to \standaloneconfig{mode=tex}
    % Using border={0pt 0pt 0pt 0pt} seems not to work with scrbook

    % This KOMA options are needed to calculate the Textwitdh and Height
    \KOMAoptions{fontsize=12pt} % Fontsize

    % the textwidth of the main docement is 16cm=455.24945pt


    % Option that should not be change by the user, this are set here so it is obvious and makes the code more readable
        every axis/.append style={
            scale only axis, % the width and height specifies only axis not the labels etc. to avoid missplacing of the different plots when Labels are used or not.
    \tikzset{every picture/.style={trim axis left, trim axis right}}% used to avoid missplacing of different plots when the numbers on the x-axis stands out left or right.

        %\makebox[\dimexpr\originalTextWidth\relax]{% Box to avoid problem of standalone cropping too much of the plot. 
            %xlabel= text,%\fbox{fractions q y Pp f g},
            %ylabel=Small Axis,
            \addplot[blue, mark=x] coordinates {(0,0)
            \draw [brown] (current bounding box.south west) rectangle (current bounding box.north east);%
            %\clip[use as bounding box] (0,0.5)++(current bounding box.south west) rectangle (current bounding box.north east);%
            %\clip[use as bounding box] (0,0)++(.01\textwidth,.01\textwidth) rectangle ++(.45\textwidth,.45\textwidth);
            \end{tikzpicture}% Never Remove this comment to avoid missplacing plot shifts to left side a little bit
        %}%End \makebox

 \usepackage{showframe}% to show the page layout
 \usepackage[textwidth=455.24945pt]{geometry} % 455.24945pt=160.00000mm not cm because of accuracy

 \usepackage{pgfplots} % loads tikz which loads xcolor and graphicx


 % Option that should not be change by the user, this are set here so it is obvious and makes the code more readable
    every axis/.append style={
        scale only axis, % the width and height specifies only axis not the labels etc. to avoid missplacing of the different plots when Labels are used or not.
 \tikzset{every picture/.style={trim axis left, trim axis right} }% used to avoid missplacing of different plots when the numbers on the x-axis stands out left or right.

 % tex = use sourcefile, default
 % image = use existing image file produced by the source file
 % build = build image from source, then use it
 % buildmissing= only build image if it does not exist
 % buildnew = only build image if source file is newer 

\setlength{\abovecaptionskip}{0pt} % just to show the difference


        \begin{tikzpicture}[trim axis left,trim axis right]
        scale only axis,
        xlabel={Some Data},
        ylabel={Some Value},
        \addplot[very thick, red, mark=x] coordinates {(0,0)
                \draw [brown] (current bounding box.south west) rectangle (current bounding box.north east);%
        \caption{A plot in the Document} 

        \caption{Plot with no Box and label but quite good cropping of baseline}
        \caption{With Box and x-label but too much whitspace}



如果你想删除 x 标签下方的空白,你可以使用

xlabel style={yshift=-.3333em,inner ysep=0pt}

请注意,默认值为inner sep.3333em因此到刻度标签的距离将相同。



 \usepackage[textwidth=455.24945pt]{geometry} % 455.24945pt=160.00000mm not cm because of accuracy

 \usepackage{pgfplots} % loads tikz which loads xcolor and graphicx


 % Option that should not be change by the user, this are set here so it is obvious and makes the code more readable
    every axis/.append style={
        scale only axis, % the width and height specifies only axis not the labels etc. to avoid missplacing of the different plots when Labels are used or not.
\tikzset{every picture/.style={trim axis left, trim axis right}}% used to avoid missplacing of different plots when the numbers on the x-axis stands out left or right.


        \begin{tikzpicture}[trim axis left,trim axis right]
        scale only axis,
        xlabel={Some Data},
        ylabel={Some Value},
        xlabel style={yshift=-.333em,inner ysep=0pt}
        \addplot[very thick, red, mark=x] coordinates {(0,0)
                \draw [brown] (current bounding box.south west) rectangle (current bounding box.north east);%
        \caption{A plot in the Document} 
