在 Beamer Latex 中缩放 tikz 图形

在 Beamer Latex 中缩放 tikz 图形



\mode<presentation> {

\usepackage{tikz, nth}

\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta,decorations,decorations.pathreplacing,calc,bending,positioning, chains}

\frametitle{Example: AVL Trees}
\uncover<+->{{\bf 2. }
Consider the following tree $T$:
  transform canvas={scale=0.6},
  level distance=45 pt,
  every node/.style={circle,draw},
  level 1/.style={sibling distance=200 pt},
  level 2/.style={sibling distance=100 pt},
  level 3/.style={sibling distance=60 pt}%
  \node {55}
    child {node {46}
      child {node {13}
        child {node {7}}
        child {node {42}
          child {node {17}}
          child {node {45}}
      child {node {49}
        child {edge from parent[draw=none]}
        child {node {51}}
    child {node {82}
      child {node {59}}
      child {node {92}
        child {node {89}}
        child {edge from parent[draw=none]}
\item{Show that $T$ is an AVL tree by writing in the balance factors at each node.}
\item{Starting from an empty tree, in what order should we add the integers $7,13,\dots,92$ to obtain the tree above?}

最初,树不能很好地适应幻灯片,因此我按照其他几篇帖子的建议使用了 resizebox。但是,这会导致随后与逐项列表的放置相关的其他几个问题。这是为什么呢?


transform canvas似乎出于某种原因把事情搞乱了,但你不需要那样做,也不需要resizebox。只需减小节点、和 的字体大小level distance即可sibling distance



\frametitle{Example: AVL Trees}
Consider the following tree $T$:
  level distance=15 pt,
  every node/.style={circle,draw,font=\scriptsize},
  level 1/.style={sibling distance=150 pt},
  level 2/.style={sibling distance=70 pt},
  level 3/.style={sibling distance=60 pt}%
  \node {55}
    child {node {46}
      child {node {13}
        child {node {7}}
        child {node {42}
          child {node {17}}
          child {node {45}}
      child {node {49}
        child {edge from parent[draw=none]}
        child {node {51}}
    child {node {82}
      child {node {59}}
      child {node {92}
        child {node {89}}
        child {edge from parent[draw=none]}


\item Show that $T$ is an AVL tree by writing in the balance factors at each node.
\item Starting from an empty tree, in what order should we add the integers $7,13,\dots,92$ to obtain the tree above?







\mode<presentation> {


\frametitle{Example: AVL Trees}
\textbf{2.} Consider the tree $T$ (at right):
\item{Show that $T$ is an AVL tree by writing in the balance factors at each node.}
\item{Starting from an empty tree, in what order should we add the integers $7,13,\dots,92$ to obtain the tree at right?}
    for tree={circle,draw}
                    [17] [45]]]
            [49 [,phantom] [51]]]
