在我的文档中,我使用了 2 列和 3 列。我只想使用 更改 3 列的宽度\setcolumnwith{}
。2 列应该不受影响。
\begin{paracol}{2} % this is what I want
\setcolumnwidth{2cm,3cm,4cm} % this should only affect the 3 column
\begin{paracol}{3} % this is what I want
\begin{paracol}{2} % WRONG!
\begin{paracol}{3} % this is what I want
\begin{paracol}{2} % this is what I want
\setcolumnwidth{2cm,3cm,4cm} % this should only affect the 3 column
\begin{paracol}{3} % this is what I want
\begin{paracol}{2} % WRONG!
\begin{paracol}{3} % this is what I want
\columnratio{0.5}% Explicitly store the 0.5 ratio
\begin{paracol}{2} % this is what I want
\setlocalcolumnwidth{2cm,3cm,4cm} % this should only affect the 3 column
\begin{paracol}{3} % this is what I want
\begin{paracol}{2} % Works
\begin{paracol}{3} % this is what I want
\begin{paracol}{2} % Works