TeXstudio 无法识别“widetext”

TeXstudio 无法识别“widetext”

我在 TeXstudio 中使用“revtex4-1”文档类。但我发现,即使我在配置的“完成”中选中了术语“revtex4-1.cwl”前的复选框,环境“widetext”仍被标记为“命令无法识别”。

问题是:如何让 TeXstudio 识别“widetext”?


常见问题解答:为什么 TeXstudio 将命令标记为无法识别

TXS 检查文档中的所有 LaTeX 命令是否有效。这可以帮助您在输入时识别错误(拼写错误和未加载的包)。如果命令被标记为无法识别,则 TXS 未找到该命令的定义。请参阅TXS 如何知道有效命令?更多细节。



widetext.sty 的用法:

\setlength\stripsep{3pt plus 1pt minus 1pt}




%% Mimics the widetext environment of revtex4 for any other class package
%% Eg: article.cls
%% Compiled by: Anjishnu Sarkar
%% Advantages:
%% *) Supports float (eg: figure) in two column format (Advantage over
%%      multicol package)
%% *) One and twocolumn exist on the same page
%% *) Flow of text shown via rule
%% *) Equal height of text when in two column format
%% Acknowledgment(s):
%% 1. Instead of re-inventing the wheel, two packages (flushend, cuted) of
%% the sttools bundle are used. The sttools bundle is available from CTAN.
%% Lisence of these packages rests with their corresponding author.
%% Any bug/problem with flushend and cuted should be forwarded to their
%% corresponding package authors.
%% 2. The idea of the rule came from the following latex community website
%% http://www.latex-community.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2770
%% This package just defines the widetext environment and the rules.
%% Usage:
%% \documentclass[a4paper,12pt,twocolumn]{article}
%% \usepackage{widetext}
%% \begin{document}
%% Some text in twocolumn
%% \begin{widetext}
%% Text in onecolumn format.
%% \end{widetext}
%% Some more text in twocolumn
%% \end{document}

%% Package required for equal height while in 2 columns format
    \typeout{Package widetext error: Install the flushend package which is
    a part of sttools bundle. Available from CTAN.}

%% Package required for onecolumn and twocolumn to exist on the same page.
%% and also required for widetext environment.
    \typeout{Package widetext error: Install the cuted package which is
    a part of sttools bundle. Available from CTAN.}


            \par %\vspace{6pt}
            \parindent \@parindent
